Friday, September 4, 2009

Elevation North Has News for You!

AND … WHAT DO YOU DO? This week I heard someone relate a story about their conversation during a flight. The person seated next to them struck up a conversation and said, “What do you do?” To which the man replied, “I’m a learner.” The other passenger clarified, “No, I mean what do you do for a living?” The man again replied, “I’m a learner.” This went back and forth a few times until the man pursued the opportunity to share that he is above all, a learner of Jesus Christ. More important than the fact that he is also an author and songwriter and speaker, is the fact that he is a learner of Jesus Christ. I was truly moved as I thought about this more and more, realizing that if we are NOT a learner of Jesus Christ, then what do we really have to say or do that is of any importance, or that has any impact, or that has any lasting value? Without knowing something, we cannot share it or teach it. Without knowing someone, we cannot share about them. Without knowing God intimately, we cannot exude the power that comes out of that intimacy. Without learning what it means to sit at the feet of Jesus and stay there – waiting for Him to speak to us … we have nothing fresh and relevant to pass on to others. Without hearing from God what His purpose is for us TODAY … we walk out of our house and into our day, not knowing. Not knowing, means that we’ll most likely miss that purpose, that divine appointment that He had lined up for us TODAY. See how it all works together?! And none of us like to feel like we’ve missed out on something! This week is the perfect time to be pondering all of this as students all over our nation go back to classes for this next school year. You see, it is not just the kids and youth that need to be focusing on learning … it needs to be EVERY BELIEVER who is focusing on learning more about God and His Word … more about our walk with Him … more about His plans for us – daily plans and short-term and long-range plans … more about being engaged in doing what He’s called us to do … and, especially, more about knowing Him better with each passing day! Becoming a devoted learner of Jesus Christ will happen only as we spend time with Him ~ and not just a teensy bit of time – but more time, unhurried time, totally focused time where it is just Him and us! Yes, it takes a sacrifice of time and it takes a commitment to turn our desire into a spiritual habit. But once that happens, the spiritual habit becomes our desire, no matter what the sacrifice! The small investment it costs us will pay us huge rewards in our spiritual lives! Once we’ve tasted, we’ll never want to go back. And remember, nothing ever stays the same. How we learn as a first-grader is not how we learn as an eighth-grader, and how we learn as a freshman in high school changes yet again as we enter learning on a college level. The same applies to our spiritual learning and even to our ministry. Where God has us, and how He has us do it, changes with the season He has us in. What we’ve done for years, may have been how God had us do it then … but now in this season God calls for different places, different ways, different measures. And the underlying secret is to follow in complete obedience. It may not be easy, but if we’re walking WITH God, and not lagging BEHIND Him, then we can walk in bold confidence that we are on the path of learning and ministry that He has called each of us to … and the best part is, HE WILL BE RIGHT BESIDE US! And, we can even “hold hands” if we want … He would LOVE that! Then, we’d never fall behind … we’d stay in step every day!!! So, HAPPY LEARNING to all of God’s students … that’s YOU AND ME!


- A SPECIAL WELCOME to Pat and Helen and Ethan and Edan who came to worship with us this past Sunday! It was wonderful having you with us, and we pray that you sensed God’s Spirit and were blessed!
- BELATED BIRTHDAY WISHES go out to Brendan and to Merv … and to any others who we do not have the dates for! May God bless you with a great year ahead! Please let us know the dates of your family’s birthdays if you have not already filled out a form!
- THE PASTORAL PRAYER TEAMS are now in effect, as of September 1st, and we value your loving and faithful prayer support. We are looking forward to nurturing this mutual bond as we pray for each other! The Prayer Chain is also available for prayer needs for others – so don’t hesitate to call!
- WE CANNOT THANK ENOUGH, our faithful supporters who have pledged to stand with us in offering extra financial support so that we can continue to grow the ministry of Elevation North! Each of you is so dear to us, and we thank God for your gifts, but more importantly, for you and your prayers! We couldn’t do it without you! May God bless you for sharing and for standing in the gap with us!


- THIS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6TH, we look forward to having YOU join us in worship at Clinton Falls Town Hall at 10:00 a.m., continuing on our scriptural journey through the book of Malachi as we learn from God’s Word and apply it to our lives today! Though we are a new church, you will definitely find a family of God who loves the opportunities Elevation North affords to grow in Christ and fellowship in love with each other!
- SUNDAY SCHOOL MATERIALS ARE HERE … and we will be having a short meeting for the teachers following the worship and fellowship time, to hand out the teacher’s books and resource materials. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES for toddlers through youth will begin this next Sunday, on September 13th; and we are SO excited to add this ministry to our church life! Be in prayer for God’s help - and His anointing on everyone.
- MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH – Enjoy Labor Day with your family – or with your co-workers if you have to work!
- TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH – JR & SR HI YOUTH will begin their fall session of weekly meetings at the home of Pastor and Debbie. Look for a blend of study, fun, and food ~ and invite your friends to join you! The more, the better! We want to experience growth in Christ together – and live it out during the rest of the week!


- How awesome that WE can be a part of what God is doing in people’s lives! This week we can be part of a triple-braided cord that scripture talks about, standing strong with each other as we pray for: Clint in Michigan at his new job; Julia’s brother who is slated to have a liver transplant in Denver, but is still facing some ongoing health challenges as he awaits that procedure; all students returning to school; Josh & Sarah & Noah who are traveling to and attending and ministering at the University of Nations Conference in Cape Town, Africa; Larry & Gloria Lundstrom as they travel & minister; our own church families individually and for Elevation North outreach – that we will be found faithful to our Lord!
- THIS WEEK – Remember … “The best evidence of a resurrected Christ – is a resurrected church!” (Quote by Jesse Duplantis) So this week, let’s live as resurrected learners and doers!!!

Serving Christ Joyfully . . .

Pastor Doug and Debbie