Saturday, March 31, 2018



Green, bumpy, crawly, colorful caterpillar …
One given day your painfully slow movements across the green and brown earth
Take you to a chosen branch or limb or stalk high above the ground.
It is there that you attach yourself and begin to spin
The woven cocoon that encircles you, hides you, protects you.
Darkness now falls within the cocoonish walls …
What seems colorless, hard, and lifeless, is silent and still.
Time passes – is this all there is?  How long will you hang suspended there, dear chrysalis?
Suddenly, something stirs within!
An inner struggle ensues in the darkness still –
But struggle you must because to life there is no other way.
Your hard, dried caterpillar shell breaks away
And your now energized movements are giving way to new life!
Out of the cocoon emerge bright, translucent patterned colors
And of all things, wings – that begin to spread as the empty cocoon is left behind!
What are you now?  O cocoon, where is your hold? 
O butterfly, you have been set free to fly and to be
All that God has planned!
Transformed … changed … renewed … liberated … new creation!
Fly, beautiful butterfly … fly!
Your Creator has gifted you with wings!
Jesus … divine embryo placed in human womb;
Born in a stable, called to earth to carry out Your Father’s plan.
Loved by earthly parents, You grew in stature with God and man.
Everyday tasks morphed into miracles as You walked amongst the people
Who You came to touch and heal and save!
But Your enemy had other plans  - that played right into Your Father’s will
That took You on a torturous path to a Tree high on a hill.
It is there soldiers attach you to the Cross with nails – and blood begins to flow;
Suspended there, You give Your life … to the very last drop of blood and Your very last breath.
Darkness falls o’er the skies … You are taken off Your Cross and placed in Your Tomb.
You are lifeless, silent and still.  Time passes – is this all there is?  Where is hope, dear Jesus?
Suddenly, Something stirs within the Tomb!
You’ve completed the struggle in the pits of Hell to defeat the enemy and the grave.
There was no other way.
The Spirit of God breathes life into His Son … the graveclothes are flung off …
Jesus folds them and leaves them behind to say, “It is finished!”
Out of the Empty Tomb emerges the Resurrected Lord and Savior in all His glory!
Where is your victory, O death?  Where is your sting, O death?
O Jesus, You have been set free to bring us life and set us free!
Transformed … changed … renewed … liberated … new creations in Christ!
Fly … precious people … fly!
Your Creator and Savior has gifted you with wings!


“The Lord your God is in your midst, The Mighty One, will save;
He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.”
~ Zephaniah 3:17  

Joyfully Serving Christ . . .  

Pastor Doug and Debbie