Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Elevation North has News for YOU!

DECLARATIONS. What are they, really? And what is their purpose? We know they were used years ago as legal documents … like the Declaration of Independence. But are declarations still used today? And how do they affect us as believers … as children of God? God is really stirring something deep in my spirit about all of this, so I will try to keep on track with what is on my heart. First of all, a declaration is the act of making something known … it is announcing it, proclaiming it – or in other words: declaring it. A declaration is also an affirmation. It can be a formal statement put into a document complete with signatures. Or it can be a strong personal statement showing one’s stance or belief about a given decision or event or circumstance. A declaration gets your point across, and you put it out there – either to the masses or to a more intimate group of people, depending on your target audience. A declaration makes clear what you want someone else to make no mistake about. When it comes to a declaration, there is no wavering – no waffling. It is – what it is. So, because a declaration is a powerful thing – why is not used more? What’s keeping us as believers from declaring things in the spiritual realm? Why do we not declare the Word of the Lord more? Why do we not declare the promises of God more? Why do we not declare things as “being” – as existing. I mean, declaring things before there is evidence of them. Look at what a great Teacher and example we have in our Creator. It was He who “spoke” the world and everything in it – into “being”. He declared it, and it was. He declared it – and said it was good. What if He had just kept wondering out loud if He could actually create anything? What if He had doubted His abilities to make something out of nothing. Oh, that’s right: He had the dust of the earth to work with! So He took what He had and declared something out of practically nothing. To begin with, everything was formless and void. Often that’s the foundational point at which we should be declaring something. Because when we begin to declare things through the power of God, then we’ll begin to see things take shape. Things will start to happen. We will see “something” come out of “nothing”. And we will have no doubt that the results of the declaration are coming from the creative hand of God. What we’ll see happening is nothing that we can take credit for. But our faith just might get a real boost when we see what takes place when we begin to put into practice spiritual declarations and proclamations! What I am going to share with you now – I wish I knew who to give credit to! All I know is that I heard someone say this some weeks ago now, and it so struck a chord with me, that I ran for pen and paper. This is what I wrote down: “We need to turn our prayers from a plea to a proclamation!” Then the speaker went on to say that “it’s not how we feel … it’s WHO is in us!” Finally, this person threw out the challenge that God’s people and God’s church needs to move from passivity into declaration. In other words, we need to DECREE WHAT WE DESIRE!!! So, when we desire peace in our hearts over a situation … we need to DECLARE and DECREE it! When we desire healing in our bodies and souls … we need to DECLARE it! When we desire anything at all – a job, a house, a vehicle, an increase in pay, a promotion … we need to DECLARE it! When we desire a closer walk with God – more intimacy, more victory, more power, more trust, more faith, more contentment, more obedience … we need to DECLARE it! When we want to walk in happiness and joy instead of stress and sadness … we need to DECLARE it! We can speak blessings into our lives … we can speak life into our future … we can speak God’s favor into our todays and our tomorrows. I believe that more with each passing day ~ because with each passing day God brings things to pass that I’ve declared in His Name! And not just little things … but big things! There is no way that we could have made those things happen on our own, but God did – so HE gets the glory! I think that’s the way He designed it to be! It’s such a great thing when God’s truth sinks in ~ and we GET it! It’s such a great thing when Jesus’ declarations sink in ~ and we realize we can speak the same declarations – in His powerful Name! It’s such a great thing when we don’t have to wonder anymore ~ and we just know that we know that the answer is on the way! We can trust God to be the loving and caring Father that He is. He can be no one else ~ He can be nothing less! He is “El Elyon” – the God Most High- and His purposes and plans will be established and accomplished. For He declares His purposes. “Truly I have spoken; truly I will bring it to pass. I have planned it, surely I will do it.” (Isaiah 46:11) Dear ones, what will YOU declare?


- THERE’S NOTHING ~ quite like being in the very presence of God, and literally experiencing that presence and power as we did this past Sunday morning! We began the service with fervent prayer for several of our people as we anointed them with oil and laid hands on them, according to scripture. And there was no doubt that God was standing right in our midst doing His supernatural work! Praise be to our God!

- SPECIAL BIRTHDAY WISHES go out to Destiny who will be celebrating on September 6th! May God’s best be yours, is our prayer!


- THIS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH: 10:00 A.M. – WORSHIP & PRAISE with a unique time being planned – something a bit out of the ordinary! Be sure to come and participate fully in what God will do! You will be blessed and your faith given a boost!
- NEXT SUNDAY, SEPTEMEBER 12TH: 10: A.M. – FALL KICK-OFF will take place at Elevation North as we begin with powerful worship and praise. Pastor Doug will resume the series on “The Fingerprints of God”. You will experience a message that’s down-to-earth and yet takes you deeper. Come and learn with us more about the fourth fingerprint of God: “The Love of Jesus!” And bring your Bibles to follow along from scripture to scripture! Plan to stay for the newly re-vamped Sunday School classes … and then make sure to bring along a dish to pass for the potluck meal that follows! The meat will be provided, as well as the beverages and table service! And … after all that – then comes the BLAST FROM THE PAST with all kinds of super fun games for everyone! We are all kids at heart, you know! We’ll see you there!
- OCTOBER 22-23: WOMEN OF FAITH CONFERENCE / Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul / Theme: “Over the Top!” / Lunches for both days included in the $89 ticket / Top-notch anointed speakers and great worship and praise music! What could be any better than sharing all that with lots of Christian sisters?! See Tina or Debbie for more details!
- TIME OUT FOR THE GUYS – will take place the Friday evening that the gals are attending the conference! A great time is being planned (did someone mention “steaks”?!!!). And that’s just a part of what’s being planned!

- OUR GOD CONTINUES TO AMAZE US! Though not large in numbers (yet) … God shows us His favor week after week with miraculous answers to prayer! Our church family is experiencing spiritual growth, divine healing, provision and blessing, family reconciliation, and so much more! This week lets commit to “turning our prayers from pleas to proclamations”!

- THIS WEEK . . . Remember, God is as close as the mention of His Name!

Serving Christ Joyfully . . .

Pastor Doug and Debbie