STAMP OF APPROVAL! Hey, don’t we all LOVE having someone put their stamp of approval on what we do, or say, or plan? It’s a great feeling to know that someone else is “with us” on a specific thing – be it what we’re thinking or what we’re working on or what we’re brainstorming about. We love having someone “on our team” or “in our court”! You don’t feel so all alone. You know someone else believes in you and in what you’re doing. Sometimes God allows a “bomb” to drop right smack dab in the middle of our lives that changes everything ~ and we’re not quite sure what to do with what we see as the scattered debris. We question. We wonder. It’s hard to make sense out of turmoil sometimes. Seeing revealing photographs of what the flood has left in its wake pulls at my heartstrings as I ache for those who have experienced the “bombshell" effect this past week. Thank God no lives were lost … what was most important was saved. And yes, things are just things. But as humans, we have a certain fond attachment for the things God has blessed us with. Their house was “home” until the flood waters rendered them “homeless”. I’m sure they never thought that word would describe them! What was most precious, like photos and family keepsakes and treasures, have been lost or have had to be left behind because of the danger of going back in. And yes, some things can be replaced – but we leave a part of our heart in places of our lives that we can never go back to. I guess that’s called memories, huh?! Then comes the “turn-around” ~ that distinct moment when the decision is made to surge forward in spite of the changes. I think it’s called “bittersweet”. You know you can no longer hold on to the past – and you embrace the future. But that should actually be a daily occurrence in our lives, you know. With each day’s dawning, we fondly remember yesterday but we move beyond it to the new day and whatever God has for us to embrace in those hours! This morning I was thinking about another type of struggle. And I had to wonder what kind of a struggle it was. Are there struggles even in the heavenlies? I was really wondering what God the Father was feeling when He knew that He had to give up His only Son for all of mankind … some who would reject Him in the most spiteful, hurtful ways. And what was Jesus feeling when He knew He was going to die a death of crucifixion – even be spit on, for a world that in great part did not recognize Him for Who He was, and actually preferred to leave it that way. I cannot imagine. I know how deep my emotions are when I struggle through turmoils that almost take me to my limits. And I know that mine are nothing in comparison to what was going on in the heavenly realms. It’s these spiritual struggles that ultimately cause us to decide where our heart really lies … that will decide what stuff we’re really made of. Bottom-line, what is most important to us. From time to time, God takes things from us because He knows what’s best. Other times, He asks us to give up things voluntarily to see if we are willing to lay everything down for Him. We’ve been in that place several times. He has never taken or asked for everything, but there have been moments when we’ve felt completely stripped. In those places, the very best thing to do is to praise Him. Of course, that’s after the human tears, the battling, the freaking out, etc., etc.!!! Yes, we’re all human, aren’t we?! You see, when God finally breaks through our thoughts and our will and we obey Him ~ then He is pleased and He puts His stamp of approval on us. As ugly as the struggles were, the peace and victory that comes now is even greater. It’s hard to explain. It’s hard to go through … you know. You, with the devastating news of your husband’s cancer; you with the diagnosis of your own colon cancer; you with the loss of your job and needed income; you with waning strength; you with the greatest struggle you’ve ever faced; you with the loss of a loved one; you with impending surgery just around the corner; you with a decision needing to be made that is critically impacting; and you can fill in the blanks from here. You know. You know exactly what I’m talking about. But I hope you also know that you can experience peace that completely pulls together the scattered debris of your life, your health, your struggle, and your situation. Nothing happens in our lives that our God is not aware of. There is no emotion we feel that God is not privy to. Nothing in our lives is a secret kept from God. Thankfully, He sees all. And He knows all. And praise God, He will keep us all! And we’ll know we’ve gotten it right when God purposely turns and stamps His approval on us! There’s no better accolades we can receive than that! Lord, bring breakthrough to our hearts so that we can be stamped by Your affirmation!
- EXCITEMENT WAS IN THE AIR as our church family worshipped together, ate together, shared together, and played together last Sunday! Everything we experienced together was bountiful, including the very presence of Christ! We ended up in the outdoors on a picture-perfect day that was God’s special gift to us … out in the corn maze, the pumpkin patch, the leaf piles, the play area, around the fire-pit, etc., etc., ~ drinking in the sunshine, the relaxation, the fellowship and fun! Again, our heartfelt gratitude to the generous heart who provided the funds to make this a reality! What an incredible blessing it was to all!
- LOVING BIRTHDAY WISHES to our youngest granddaughter, Lindsay, who is celebrating her 10th birthday on Sunday, October 3rd! We hope you know how much we love you ~ and that Jesus loves you even more!
- BELATED BIRTHDAY WISHES go out to Matthias, who celebrated his birthday recently on September 25th! May God bless you in new, fresh ways!
- THIS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3RD: 10:00 A.M. – WORSHIP & PRAISE / COMMUNION SERVICE centering on all Christ has done for us on Calvary – and every day since that priceless sacrifice! Come and participate in this meaningful time at the altar as Pastor Doug leads us to remember and celebrate the forgiveness that is ours through the shed blood of Jesus! NEXT SUNDAY: Message - “He Calms My Storms” – the 8th fingerprint of God! - THIS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6TH: 7:00-8:00 P.M. – “LEARN THE BIBLE IN 24 HOURS” STUDY at Pastor Doug’s and Debbie’s home! We will be continuing part 2 of the overview of the books of the Bible. Be sure to bring your Bibles and notebooks. New notebooks will be provided if you were not with us last week.
- SPECIAL FELLOWSHIP EVENTS are being planned for the next several months! Be looking for news of a monthly gathering that will be something to look forward to – each one will be something different!
- OCTOBER 22/23: WOMEN OF FAITH CONFERENCE at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul! This week we registered 11 women who will be attending. If you need further details, please call Tina or Debbie.
- OCTOBER 22nd: ALL ABOUT GUYS STEAK-FRY at Pastor D’s house; more details to come!
- RE: FUEL YOUTH ACTIVITY is being planned for a laser tag outing to Mankato later this month!
- PRAISE BE TO GOD FOR HIS WONDROUS WORKS!! God’s miracles have been evident amongst our church family this week; how grateful we are! And how we thank God for our faithful supporters from out-of-state who stand with us prayerfully & financially! Let’s remember to pray for LaFawn, Cherry, Tina, Mary’s dad, Julia, Roger, Kay, and those who are dealing with the after-flood effects. May we trust God with child-like faith!
- REMEMBER, “We can put our minds at ease because God’s mind is on us.” ~ unknown
Serving Christ Joyfully . . .
Pastor Doug and Debbie