JUST WHEN DOES “ORDINARY” BECOME “EXTRAORDINARY”? I believe at the very point and time that we totally yield our lives to Christ and live in total abandonment to His perfect will … He has full reign to use us in extraordinary ways! We become completely available – ever at His beck and call! We want each person at Elevation North – from the oldest to the youngest, to experience that spiritual transition from “ordinary” to “extraordinary”! We want you to know that God loves using the ordinary to display His extraordinary ways, so that He is glorified and His Kingdom work continues to flourish and expand all over the earth! We don’t have to be a movie star, sports star, or rock star to live extraordinary lives. We just need to be God’s star ~ and we’ll shine as brightly as the sun in the darkest of places! Let me elaborate a bit. I love the story of Deborah in the book of Judges. Perhaps I love it a bit more than most, since I have her very name … spelling and all! She was an ordinary wife who had become a judge over Israel in her time, and was also a prophetess who God spoke through to His people. Because of her people’s evil ways, they had been sold off to the king of Canaan; and Sisera was the commander of his army. When the people of Israel finally cried out to God after twenty years of cruel oppression at the hand of Sisera and his nine hundred iron chariots, God raised up Deborah. He placed her in a position that would be strategic for bringing victory and freedom to His people. The people of Israel sought her out, coming to her court and seeking justice. Then she enlisted Barak and gave him the Word that God had given her: that he should go into battle, and she would make sure that Sisera and his entire army would show up, AND … he would win the battle! Barak’s response was conditional. He said if she went with him, he’d go. Otherwise, he wouldn’t. Deborah went, and then, so did Barak. But with his attitude, God passed the glory for the victory onto someone else. To a woman. Not Deborah, who was a judge and a prophetess. But Jael, who was also an ordinary woman who God used in a truly extraordinary way! The battle ensued. Sisera and his troops showed up. Again, Deborah became the cheerleader, the motivator. Speaking to Barak, she said, “Charge! This very day God has given you victory over Sisera. Isn’t God marching before you?” How is it that we need these reminders once in awhile? We know it, yet we still need to be told! Then finally, we get moving! That day, not one of Sisera’s military men survived. He alone had escaped and run for cover and ended up in Jael’s tent in hiding; her husband being on good terms with the king. Again, God had positioned Jael in this specific time and place so she could be used to effect total victory in this battle. Jael saw to Sisera’s requests: a drink and a blanket. Then he asked her to stand guard while he took refuge there in the tent. But exhausted, he fell asleep, and knowing that Sisera had been delivered into her hand, Jael decisively, promptly, took a tent peg and a hammer and quietly moved toward the sleeping commander. With divine strength from God, she drove that tent peg all the way through his temple and into the ground, bringing his life to an end. Barak, following in pursuit, arrives at the tent and Jael comes out to meet him and invites him in to see the man that he was looking for. What he saw was graphic, yet it was a clear picture of God’s deliverance for the people of Israel. An ordinary woman … chosen … to finish off the evil that had plagued their nation for so long. An ordinary woman … Jael … who was in tune with God. She heard from Him. She listened. She obeyed. And there was peace in the land for forty years. What will God call us ordinary people of Elevation North to do? Most likely not to hammer a tent peg through a commander’s temple. But … He WILL call us to do EXTRAORDINARY things for His glory, if we just make ourselves available to Him. And equally amazing things will be accomplished through us! We may change the tide of our community or state. We may be in the right place at the right time to share the message of Christ with someone who IS a star in their own arena, giving them even greater opportunities for spiritual influence in places that perhaps we would never find ourselves in. But we will be the connection to the end result! No matter what God chooses to do through us, it is SO exciting to be used of God! Let’s get on board where God is at work and discover His next assignment for us! We can be the next Jael … ordinary no more!
- GOD’S PRESENCE was with us in such a real way as we worshipped together this past Sunday! Having completed the 21-Day Fast last week, we are claiming victories and opportunities for the NOW and for the days to come! We see God bringing things to pass in our lives and in the lives of our people, that we know would not have been possible without fasting and prayer. Pastor Doug led us into the new series of messages on “Reclaiming What We’ve Lost”, preaching on the first part of Luke chapter 15 – “the lost sheep”, challenging us to reclaim our passion for lost souls as we continue to reach out.
- A SPECIAL WELCOME to Scott, Mary Jo, Zach, and Justin as they came to visit us and encourage us on Sunday morning! We pray that you were equally blessed and uplifted as we worshipped together!
- OUR THANKS & APPRECIATION to Justin for the new church items he purchased recently; may God bless you for sharing!
- ANNOUNCING!!! Justin will be taking over the RE: FUEL youth group, and we are so excited to have him on board helping out with ministry! This will allow Pastor D and Debbie more time for visitation. The kids will love his leadership and passion for serving the Lord! Welcome, Justin! May God’s anointing be upon you as you lead our young people!
- 10:00 A.M. – WORSHIP & PRAISE – Come and participate in God-focused worship, preaching, singing, learning, and fellowship! Pastor Doug will be sharing the message about “the lost coin” from Luke 15, challenging us to reclaim what has been lost financially in our lives in these tough economic times. God is our Restorer!
- 11:15 A.M. – SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES – for everyone, the youngest to the oldest! You will find this to be an opportunity to learn from God’s Word, as well as to relate experiences in your own walk with God!
- 6:00-7:30 P.M. – YOUTH – RE: FUEL session with Justin at the home of Pastor D and Debbie! An exciting lesson will await you, along with time for fun and friendship and snacks! Plan to come, and we encourage you to invite one or two or more friends to start this time off with Justin! Watch for details for Super Bowl Party!
- “PRAYER BRINGS THINGS TO PASS WHICH WOULD NEVER OTHERWISE OCCUR.” (E.M. Bounds) And knowing that, please join us in praying for Tina’s and Helen’s recovery from surgeries this week, for Sean’s recovery from walking pneumonia, for God’s healing touch in Merv & in Scott, for Debbie’s friend, Lela, recovering from surgery this week in Michigan, for opportunities to share Christ, for the provision of a church facility, for God’s hand to be upon our families, our nation, the hurting in Haiti, & those serving in our military!
- THIS WEEK . . . Remember, “When we are in a situation where Jesus is all we have, we soon discover He is all we really need.” ~ Gigi Graham Tchividjian
Serving Christ Joyfully . . .
Pastor Doug and Debbie