Saturday, December 23, 2017


GOD WILL LIBERATE ~ in 2-0-1-8!  Do you believe that?!  God wants you to – and so do we!  We want you to believe it fully, completely, without reservation.  Opening our hearts to God, seeking His face and wanting to know His heart for this new year about to dawn, we have strongly sensed that He is planning to liberate what has been in captivity, in bondage, in strongholds – for so long.  For TOO long!  What the enemy has sought to bind and grip and stifle … is about to be loosed and set free!  Where there has been sin, there is going to be holiness.  Where there has been lack, there is going to be abundance!  Where there has been love of self, God is going to replace that with a “set on fire” love for Him – and for others!  Where there has been nonchalance, there is going to be passion!  Where there have been distractions, there is going to be focus!  When other things have crept in and shoved God out of first place in our lives, those things are going to be thrown down and removed off their earthly throne – because the only one on the throne of our lives is going to be … must ever and always be … the One and Only, the Lord Jesus Christ!  When confusion comes to blind and reign, God will now clear our vision and we will walk and live in spiritual discernment!  When we feel prompted to give to God but tend to hold back or not give at all, God is going to flush and replace those selfish tendencies that only hurt us – with a generous, willing heart to give to the One who has given us His ALL!  When we think we don’t have time to be in God’s Word or on our knees, God will give us such hunger and thirst for righteousness and knowing Him more intimately that we will NOT be able to stay away from that time in the presence of the Living God!  When we think we are not good enough and see ourselves as failures, God’s love is going to come rushing in like a flood, declaring to us that through His precious, shed blood on Calvary, He sees us as valuable, priceless, perfect overcomers!  And this just scratches the surface of what we believe God is going to do in 2018!

Do you see?  Do you see that God is going to turn things around?  Do you see that your worst is going to be transformed into your best?  Do you see that being stuck in stale-mate mode is over … and that your walk with God is never going to be the same?  Why would any of us want to be content with being bound in unseen chains?  While we may not see metal links wrapped around our bodies, the unseen chains have tightened around our minds for far too long – and God is saying, “Enough!  NO MORE!  THIS is the year that I am bringing liberation to My children and to My churches around the world!  That is … if they will let Me free them and unleash My plans, provision, power, and peace into their every day lives.  IF they will allow Me to have full sway in opening their eyes, in leading them through the darkness and into the Light (that’s Me) in everything they encounter on a daily basis.  It breaks My heart all over again to know that I gave My life’s blood to liberate them in the first place, and they brush it off so lightly, thinking they can maneuver through this chaotic life on their own.  They have no idea what all they are giving up when they choose to live life without Me being present and active in their days.  All I ever came to do was to give them life, and life more abundantly.  Life eternally.  When will they finally see that no one can love them more.  Help them more.  Give them more joy.  Teach them more.  Free them more.  Bless and favor them more.  No other – but Me!  I compel My children to open their hearts and minds and hands in this New Year of 2018 to receive everything I came to give them … all of it, fully, completely, without reservation!  Together we can be an immovable, unshakable, victorious force in this world – for My honor and glory!  But I need their invitation to be present in every facet of their lives … and in every aspect of their churches!  Dear children of God, I implore you to open your eyes and hearts and see Me like you’ve never seen Me before!  This year of 2-0-1-8 is a gift from Me to you … receive your liberation this very moment, and do not look back!  I love you, I love you … I’ve always loved you, and I always will!  Let’s live this year together and show the world My light!”


“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, 
there is liberty (emancipation from bondage, freedom).”
~ 2 Corinthians 3:17  

Joyfully Serving Christ . . .

Pastor Doug and Debbie