Thursday, April 17, 2014


I WILL RISE AGAIN!  That’s what He said.  Can you think of any words that were more like the sound of beautiful music to the ears of Jesus’ disciples and to His followers than . . . “I will rise!”  For most of His three-year ministry on earth, Jesus had taught and spoken to them in parables, but as His time neared to go to the cross, His content and style changed.  He knew the time had come to prepare His disciples for what His Father’s plan was.  He began to talk about what and how He would suffer – and …well, let’s listen in:  “From that time on Jesus began to explain to His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and that He must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.”  (Matthew 16:21)  Can you imagine hearing that from someone close to you who you love so dearly?  What a battle must have raged in their souls.  Killed?  Natural instinct:  they would defend against danger, harm, and death.  But they also heard that one little, but larger-than-life word:  MUST.  There was no choice it seemed.  And at first their hearts sank.  But then three other words echoed in their hearts:  RAISED TO LIFE!  Talk about an emotional roller-coaster!  But then they had become accustomed to their Lord – and signs and wonders had always been a part of His ministry.  Hope rolled in, and they hung on for the promise that He would live again.  And with that knowledge, they also began to understand that THEY would also live, even after death!  The great thing is that Jesus always taught simply enough for a child to understand so that whoever listened would get the point of His message.  He did not want anyone to not understand clearly enough so that they could possibly miss out on choosing His gift of eternal life!  And so the disciples walked with Jesus through that final week of His life before the crucifixion.  The triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  More ministry and teaching.  The plot against Jesus.  The Last Supper.  The disciples being comforted by Jesus.  Gethsemane.  Jesus’ arrest and trial.  Jesus’ crucifixion and death.  Jesus’ burial.  What a week … the events pulled at the very core of their humanity – and from time to time, some of the disciples became sadly aware of the ways they had failed their Lord.  One of them betraying Him earlier in the week.  And later, the rest of them falling asleep during the prayer watch in the dark of the night.  And later yet, another denying he had ever known Jesus.  They knew.  Oh, how they knew they had disappointed Jesus – and yet He showed only love.  Now they find themselves unable to sleep and overwhelmed with grief.  They have even forgotten to count down to that third day that Jesus had told them about.  The scriptures do not record much of anything about the disciples’ activity between the crucifixion and the resurrection.  Had there been something worth telling, I am sure we would know.  We can only imagine what they were feeling – someday we will get to ask them!  Suddenly, day three arrives and still they are out of circulation.  But … the women could not contain themselves any longer and while it was still dark, they made their way to the tomb to take spices for Jesus’ body.  By the time they arrived, dawn was just starting to break.  Fully expecting to see Jesus’ body there (had they not heard His prophetic words, or had His crucifixion put their belief in His words to death, as well?), they were perplexed at the empty tomb!  Standing there, wondering, suddenly they encounter two angels, and the one speaks.  I absolutely LOVE what is said, “Why do you look for the living among the dead?”  What a powerful question that is!  And then the follow-up explanation:  “He is not here; HE HAS RISEN!”  (Luke 24:5b-6a – emphasis mine)  And with that, they reiterated Jesus' prophetic words about being crucified and rising again.  And it was THEN that they remembered!  No one can keep a great story a hidden secret – so the women went to tell the disciples.  Because their story seemed like nonsense, the disciples did not believe them.  But Peter’s curiosity moved him to his feet and he ran to the tomb to see for himself.  Hope increased with each quickened step, and yet when he saw the empty tomb and the strips of linen lying there … he just went away, wondering.  It still didn’t sink in.  He needed more.  More words together as Jesus joined him and John on the walk to Emmaus.  More time together as they gathered to eat.  But the moment Jesus did what He had done before, taking the bread, giving thanks, breaking it and giving it to them … then and only then did they truly SEE Him and realize it was their Lord they had just spent the afternoon with on the road.  Can you imagine having your eyes opened like that?  In a moment’s time, realizing that Jesus was ALIVE!  Understanding.  Comprehending.  Rejoicing!  Jumping up and down for joy – no matter that they were grown men!  Check out the rest of that chapter, will you?  This week we remember.  We celebrate! Our Jesus, our Savior is ALIVE and RISEN!     Our eyes are opened wider.  We understand more deeply and more fully.  Jesus is among the living; so each of us will no longer remain dead in our sin.  That’s why He lives!  Today, where are YOU at, and why do YOU live?

“God gives me new life –
not just for today, but for tomorrow, and every day after that.”
~ unknown  

Serving Christ Joyfully . . .

Pastor Doug and Debbie

ANNOUNCING ... our Annual Ladies Tea for 2014:
Saturday, April 26th at 1:00 p.m.
at Elevation North 
Call (507) 363-2109 with reservations
by Sunday, 4/20/14,
for this amazing free ministry event!
Gourmet Refreshments
Fun & Friendship
Favors & Gifts
Inspiring Message by Cindy Halvorson
Music by "The Southern Hope-Fulls"
Ladies and Girls of all ages ... YOU are invited!