Saturday, November 6, 2010

Elevation North has News for YOU!

WHAT IS YOUR BUSINESS?? In a room full of people, we would hear lots of different answers. But there’s one answer that ALL of us should have when we are asked that question. I heard a quote this week that I think all of us should take to heart: “When you make God’s business YOUR business … He will make your business HIS business!” (Pastor Jentezen Franklin) Think about that for awhile. Do we really make God’s business ours, or do we push it afar off thinking that certainly HE can take care of His own business. Think a bit further. Sometimes in our own business, we wonder where God is at! Does He see what’s going on down here? Does He see we’re having troubles making our business successful and profitable? Well, this pastor went on to say, “When we get in the field – we find the Master! The treasure is in the field!” How profound! We’ve just got to look in the right place! When we do that, we realize that in pursuing the Master’s business first – ours gets God’s full attention and assistance – even God’s supernatural blessing! So, I guess we all need to “get into the field!” What field? Well, the harvest field (the one where souls are ripe and ready to be harvested for Jesus Christ!). What better harvest could we have than that?! This carries right into the continuation of nuggets of truth gleaned a few weekends ago at the Women of Faith conference. That opportunity definitely qualifies as a harvest field … in a crowd that huge, there are many who have never asked Jesus into their heart to be their Lord and Savior. But these women have come hungry and hurting and ready for something – or - Someone who can bring answers and change into their struggling souls. Even as believers, often we come hungry and hurting and ready for our God to bring about the needed touch in our souls that we long for. They walk into the field and discover the Treasure they never knew was there before … Jesus and eternal life! We walk into the field and help rescue them by sharing the Treasure with them. While there, we discover greater depths of the Treasure than we ourselves ever knew before! What a place to be! Last week I referred to one of our conference speakers, Andy Andrews. He likened our life experiences to a football game when he said, “We get to be in the second half!” He stated that “we change after we’ve been in the locker room. We need to come out for the second half – where the best is still to be fulfilled! The purpose, the hope, the influence, the success - is still to come!” We can hear the pep talks, the words of approval and affirmation. But if we decide to remain in the locker room and never come out, we’ll miss out on all that the second half holds. We’ll miss out on being about God’s business. It was interesting that as many people as Andy encounters in his walk of life, this was his take on living a life based on emotions: “Of all the people who have offended me, no one has disappointed me like I have disappointed myself.” He went on to share that we cannot be the kind of people we want to be if we hold a grudge against ourselves. So we must change what goes into our mind, because it stays there. Our lives are too important to allow our mindsets and emotions to steal the amazing plays and touchdowns that God has planned for us in the second half of our circumstances and our relationships, you see. Patsy Clairmont reminded us that God’s ways are not ours – and change does not always come dressed like we think it should be. Change can be disruptive, abrupt, and even scary. But how we need to be reconnected to trusting God with all that is within us, holding on tight and never giving up! When the answers come and we see the outcome, that’s when we can say, “See, this is why we never give up!” And then it was Marilyn Meberg who challenged us to go after MORE … more of what’s good. She told us that we cannot always live in the adrenaline rush of more cravings. We think “more” will satisfy. And then when we get more, that still isn’t the total satisfaction that we longed for. There’s a deeper itch in our soul, she said. Profoundly she stated, “Life as it is on this earth will never satisfy all of our ‘more’ needs!” But Jesus understands our cravings. And I might add, that’s exactly why He’s out in the field waiting for us to show up as we’re searching for “more” of what we think we need – while all along it’s really been HIM! Jesus offers us Living Water that will satisfy our every craving. And His gift of eternal life in John 3:16, is His plan to end our itch and our cravings. Marilyn wrapped it up by inviting us to “see” Jesus as He sits at the well of our hearts and offers us that Living Water and forgiveness of our sins! What will YOU do with that invitation, dear friend? It’s got your name on it, you know! If you need an “over the top” solution … here it is: HIS NAME IS JESUS! Run to the field, He is out there just waiting for you! He will be the best treasure you’ve ever discovered ~ and the best business partner you’ve ever had!


- OUTSTANDING ~ that’s what each Sunday morning is at Elevation North – because Jesus is in our midst! We are always blessed beyond words because He arrives ahead of us, stays throughout the entire service, and then graciously offers to go home with us into our new week! Yes, His presence is THAT real! We loved hearing God’s Word preached from the book of Jude as Pastor Doug passionately shared the message!
- SPECIAL BIRTHDAY WISHES go out to Harold who celebrates on November 9th; may you be especially blessed that day and throughout the coming year!


- THIS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH: 10:00 A.M. – WORSHIP & PRAISE, continuing with part two of Pastor Doug’s messages from the book of Jude! What treasures are found in the Scriptures!! Remember to surge forward with our special 10.10.10 challenge – being in God’s Word, spending time in prayer, and choosing to do something for God’s Kingdom work at Elevation North!
- 11:15 A.M. – SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES – where you can participate in informal discussion, share your heart, ask questions, and leave feeling like you’ve gleaned more of the riches in God’s Word!
- THIS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH: 7:00-8:00 P.M. – ‘LEARN THE BIBLE IN 24 HOURS” STUDY at the home of Pastor Doug and Debbie. We are so excited that our group is growing as we go deeper in the Word!
- CHRISTMAS SEASON SERVICES/EVENTS/OUTREACH – Each Sunday all month long, we have special things planned for worship … additional fellowship opportunities for the church family … and community outreach! Check last week’s blog update for details!


- NO ONE CAN HEAR & ANSWER LIKE OUR GOD DOES!!! Each week God simply amazes us at how present He is in every situation – we see evidence of His personal work in so many lives! This coming week, you can join us in praying for: Chuck, Julia, Tina, Justin, Rendy’s dad & family, Roger, Kay, & Norma’s family. Let’s lift up our nation’s leaders, our military, our students, our pastors, missionaries, and evangelists! Let’s claim revival and a harvest of souls as we declare breakthrough at Elevation North for the glory of God! Be sure to THANK GOD for His goodness!

- REMEMBER . . . “If we learn how to give of ourselves, to forgive others, and to live with thanksgiving, we need not seek happiness. It will find us.” ~ unknown

Serving Christ Joyfully . . .

Pastor Doug and Debbie