Thursday, April 14, 2011

Elevation North has News for YOU!

THE OPEN HEAVENS … what a sight they were last evening! Arriving home from work just at dusk, I walked out into the backyard to see the early spring transformation my husband had created. Uncovering the perennials from their winter blankets of grass cuttings, he had unveiled fresh, new green shoots peeking out of the dark, moist soil that he had lovingly awakened from its cold, long sleep. He gave me a tour of our yard, excitedly showing me all that he had done. He’s amazing, that’s what he is! He loves the seasonal hands-on therapy of working with the grass, the plants, the shrubs, and the trees. It’s one of his greatest joys! And he loves to share the beautiful end-result with others … including me! So after our leisurely walk and as the skies were turning almost dark, we took a few moments to sit in our patio chairs outdoors and just breathe in the cooling air and soak in the sights of the panoramic night-view. The trees were silhouetted against skies that were just turning down their lights for the night. Branches waved ever so slightly in the breezes as if signaling a fond farewell to a day well-lived. And for the first time in months and months, my husband and I marveled at this rare outdoor opportunity to simply sit and relax and allow our eyes the visual gift of the spectacular beauty of the night. Some neighbors were sitting out on their decks not far away and the sounds of voices and laughter echoed over our way. Stars shone a bit brighter than usual, so much so that we were trying to discern whether they were lights on jets approaching the Twin Cities airport … or actually stars. My husband voiced his vote for stars. I thought I could see movement in the lights, so I voted for the planes. Yet, I wondered … because the three were spaced evenly apart as if in a planned flight formation. Well, I think he ended up being right ~ he often is! But, no one could convince me that these bright, twinkling stars were not doing an early evening dance to welcome another night on this earth! Were they dancing for us – that we were finally sitting in chairs and relaxing? Whatever the case might have been, they got me to thinking about the heavens. While the heavens we witnessed last evening were beautiful and peaceful … if we could see with God’s eyes, we would see a war going on in the heavenlies. It’s been that way for a long time now; in fact, it’s the longest-running war of all time. While we were sitting in complete safety and enjoyment on our patio, an all-out war was being raged in the unseen spiritual realm in the atmosphere over us. God against Satan; angels against demons; good against evil. How blessed we are as God’s children, that He fights our battles for us. Oh, we get caught in the fray … we get a bit – or a lot – battered and wounded sometimes. But ultimately, the battle is God’s … and He takes over when we give Him control. He takes over when we cannot fight for one more minute. He takes over when we decide to finally trust that He can handle our battle better than we can. And the angels – they are right there in the thick of it, going wherever God sends them off to. We may never know all of the battles our God has won for us, or how many skirmishes and life-threatening dangers we’ve been spared from – at least until we get to Heaven. There we may be able to see a review of the things that God kept us from seeing on this earth. Who knows? Even if we never are given this true-life movie opportunity, we still need to offer up gratitude to our God who cares for us and keeps us, and yes, even helps us come out victoriously in these unseen battles. Gratitude is often under-played. It is actually one of our most powerful tools. Thanking God when things in our lives are at their worst and when all seems hopeless, opens up a direct-line channel or portal from Heaven to us! When we’ve sent thanks and praise Heavenward to our Lord … He turns around and pours His gifts straight back down to us through that same channel! Who can explain it or understand it? It’s just the way He does things … His rewards! Then … there were the skies o’er Calvary long ago. No one saw or understood the eternal impact of the heavenlies that day. Many only saw the dawning of another day on earth. But when the skies turned black in the middle of the afternoon, things changed forever! Evil men thought they had won when Jesus breathed His final breath on the cross. God, the Father, was able to smile again. Though sad that His Son was dead … He KNEW He’d be alive again in three days, for He had written the script. It was all a part of His plan to change the history of humanity forever. He smiled, because He knew He had won the battle – not only in the heavenlies – but on earth. The Life had been given, the Blood had been spilled. His Son would rise from the grave, and so will we. Heaven was waiting for His Son’s return then … and now on earth, His children are awaiting His return in the skies to take us Home! It’s then that we’ll understand Heaven fully. For now, we can only imagine! Best of all, we can plan to be there by saying “yes” to the invitation sent from Calvary’s cross and the empty grave! Let’s RSVP to Heaven … we’re coming! We’ll be there!


- WE SENSE THE CELEBRATION OF EASTER in our midst; what a wondrous time it is for those who are believers! And our church family loves coming together to be in the center of what God is doing on this earth! Just this past Sunday we were given the opportunity to reach out to someone we had never met, providing meals following her surgery. What a privilege … and our prayer is that she will see Jesus in us! After all, that’s what being a follower of Christ is all about! Our thanks to everyone who so willingly and generously provided and delivered the noon meals to Sharon!


- THIS SUNDAY, APRIL 17TH: PALM SUNDAY PRAISE & WORSHIP – coming together to catch a deeper glimpse of Jesus’ final week before the Cross and His Resurrection! Walk with us through the experiences of these days in His life. Be impacted by the scriptures that reveal what took place, come and sing about it, listen to the powerful message of “The Second Miracle of Easter Sunday”, and leave changed and challenged by the Spirit of God!

- 11:15 A.M. – KINGDOM CONNECTION/SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES – this week’s focus will be on the events of Palm Sunday as scripture depicts them. Bring your Bibles to church and plan to stay for Sunday School – where you can learn – and join in on the discussion and share your heart!

- EASTER SUNDAY CELEBRATION SERVICE, APRIL 24TH at 10:00 A.M. with a continental breakfast for all … and an Easter Egg Hunt to follow for the children! Let’s celebrate the empty tomb and our RISEN LORD!!! This should be one of the most exciting times of worship all year long – may your presence in our midst add to the joy that we will experience as we offer our gratitude to God for the indescribable Gift of His Son, Jesus!

- COMING SOON … OUR MOTHER/DAUGHTER TEA is on Saturday, April 30th, at 2:00 P.M. at Clinton Falls Town Hall! You will want to be inviting family and friends to this rose-filled atmosphere where there will be gourmet refreshments served by Hazel and incredible, uplifting music by “Heirborne”, and lots more! Please turn in the names of your invited guests by April 20th, or no later than the 24th!


- HEBREWS 11:1 tells us that “faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen!” This week, in faith believing, let’s SEE the sick healed, the captive delivered, the needy provided for, the hopeless given hopes and dreams for the impossible. For ALL things are possible WITH God … that’s EVERYTHING!!!

- REMEMBER . . . “You are … infinitely dear to the Father, unspeakably precious to Him. You are never, not for one second, alone.” ~ Norman E. Dowty

Serving Christ Joyfully . . .

Pastor Doug and Debbie