Saturday, March 2, 2019


ARE YOU EVER TIRED, FATIGUED, EXHAUSTED?  OR SAD, DISCOURAGED, DEPRESSED?  Well, I have an answer for you … and it does not cost even a penny!  All it takes is a decision to accept this invitation and discover the oasis of rest and renewal that your mind, heart, body, and soul are so desperately in need of!  And guess “who” it is from!  It wasn’t an ad I answered.  It did not come to the Inbox in my e-mail account.  It did not pop up on my cell phone.  It was not posted on Facebook.  It was not even delivered in my mailbox covered in snow (except for the lid that is showing!)  So where did I get this invitation from? 

Well, I just opened my Bible … and there it was!  Hand-delivered personally to me from the heart of God.  Here, see for yourself!  And once you check this out, I am sure that you will see the very same invitation personalized just for you ~ with your name on it!

INVITATION:  “Come to Me,
Me:  “That sounds great, Lord … what do You have in mind?  
I am coming right now, to find out!”
FOR:  all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened,
Me:  “Oh, that’s me, Lord!  And at times You could add ‘overwhelmed’ to that list!”
WHY: and I will cause you to rest.
Me:  “That sounds AMAZING, Jesus!  
Rest … rest is evasive and elusive these days … how I need more!
Wait!  You didn’t just say You would give it; You said You would cause me to rest! 
I believe You are telling me when I need rest – You will provide it; You will put it in place!”
WHAT:  (I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.)
Me:  “Wow!  What a promise that You will fulfill exactly what I need in my place of rest.
You are telling me exactly what I can expect to receive as I rest in Your presence!”
HOW:  Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, 
for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart,
Me:  “You mean You will always help me carry what I’ve been given to carry out –
when I choose to ask for Your help? 
Oh, I see!  You carry the major load, 
and lighten my portion with Your strength and training!”
THE GIFT:  and you will find rest
(relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls.
Me:  “That sounds heavenly, Lord … it is health for my body and soul! 
This is how You intend for us to lives our lives daily while on this earthly journey!”
BONUS:  For My yoke is wholesome
(useful, good – not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, 
but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant),
Me:  “You truly provide all Your good and perfect gifts to us, Lord!
What a great reminder that we are Your children,
and Your plans are not to harm us, but to give us hope and a future!”
PROMISE:  and My burden is light and easy to be borne.”
Me:  “So with You by my side, anything I must bear 
becomes lighter than doing it in my own strength;
and walking in submission to Your authority becomes my privilege and joy!”
ADDRESS:  ~ Matthew 11:28-30 (Amplified Bible)
Me:  “I am so grateful, Jesus, that I can go to this place in Your Word any time
 and find Your invitation just waiting and ready for my acceptance!”

REMEMBER . . . to respond to YOUR invitation!  
Jesus is waiting with your gift in hand!!  

Joyfully Serving Christ ...

Pastor Doug and Debbie