Saturday, March 19, 2011

Elevation North has News for YOU!

WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON??? Well, if we look one place … we’ll have all the answers we need! Just open the pages of the Bible and you’ll pretty much find the script that the news commentators are reading off their prompters. Oh, I know – the scriptures aren’t the sources they are getting their updates from. But the actual happenings that the news from these past few days are made of – are definitely linked back to prophetic words spoken long ago! For years and years our parents and grandparents and ancestors have READ about what would be taking place in the last days. Today, you and I are watching it happen … and even experiencing the events – depending where in the world we are living in these days. This old earth is shaking and ripping apart and groaning and going through all kinds of upheaval. You’d think it was about to come apart at the seams. And yet, as children of God, we are not to be fearful. What? How can people not be fearful when we see everything we used to know as stable and sure, now imploding and churning, rising and falling, igniting and disappearing? (That includes the economy!) Well, as God’s children, instead of running away in fear – we need to run TO the only One who can stabilize the conditions of our hearts and emotions in the midst of all these unexpected events. For those who have been in the Word and studied it and believed it … I guess these happenings are not totally unexpected. We’ve been warned. For many others, it’s so easy to think that because what our parents and others have talked about for years and years without it yet happening … that it probably will not come about in our lifetime, either. But guess what, people? All of these things that were foretold by the prophets long ago are now happening right before our very eyes! We are living in exciting days … and that excitement should not be lost in the flurry of unexpected trials and terrors! If we lose that, then we lose out on the purpose for which we were chosen to live in this season. God’s Word tells us exactly what to do in times like these … He tells us to be thankful – and to worship! Actually living out these two practices daily will ensure that we keep our sanity and clarity so that we can rise to the occasion and stand effectively strong for whatever each new day will bring. Listen to the words of Hebrews 12:28-29: “Therefore, since we are receiving a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.” (NIV) Did you catch the “cannot be shaken” phrase? I did! That’s the total opposite of the “shaking” that is happening to this world that we are presently living in. Total opposite! Let’s hear those words again, this time from the Message Bible: “Do you see what we’ve got? An unshakable Kingdom! And do you see how thankful we must be? Not only thankful, but brimming with worship, deeply reverent before God. For God is not an indifferent bystander, He’s actively cleaning house, torching all that needs to burn, and He won’t quit until it’s all cleansed. God Himself is Fire!” This Kingdom being mentioned is an everlasting Kingdom – yes, the one we still get to look forward to. The one that will be ours to live in forever from the moment we enter the presence of our Lord and Savior when we take that first step into Heaven! But that same Kingdom was designed by God to be in place as we live on this earth – it’s just up to us if we are going to choose to live like Kingdom people here and now – or if we think we’ve got to wait ‘til we get to Heaven. What did Jesus pray at the close of the Lord’s Prayer? He said, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.” What was that? On earth? On earth – as it is in Heaven? Yes, you read that right! You’ve even prayed that same prayer – probably many times. But did you really understand it? Did you really mean it? When we begin living in God’s Kingdom on this earth … we will not be shaken, dear people! We will not fall apart … we will not lose it! Not only will our faith and trust and hope deepen, but we will experience a level of peace that we cannot even begin to describe! We will experience a level of joy and happiness that increases with each coming event … because we are not a part of this earthly kingdom! We just happen to reside here – for now. One of these days we’re going to be moving into our new home ~ the one that will be ours FOREVER! In the meantime, we do not have to give up laughing or exploring or adventuring … awakening the child within … sleeping peacefully … staying calm while the storms rage around us … or seeking out more ways to allow God to use us mightily in view of the many opportunities that will continue to come our way! More and more people are going to be willing to listen to the answers we have in a world that is falling apart from the inside out … so let’s be ready to share our Jesus with them!!! We have an audience that fills the stage of this entire world!


- JOYFUL, JOYFUL, WE ADORE THEE … no, we didn’t happen to sing that song this past Sunday, but it was resounding loudly within our souls as we worshipped our God! Our hearts were filled with gratitude for the gift of God’s Son ~ and for the gift of each other!
- OUR SPECIAL WELCOME to Eva, Megan, and Jeff as they joined us in worship for the first time this past Sunday morning! What a blessing it was to have you in our midst – and we pray that you were blessed and uplifted!
- SPECIAL BIRTHDAY WISHES are going out to Pam on March 22nd, and ANNIVERSARY WISHES are shared with James and Tina on March 24th! May God bless each of you with His amazing love all year long!


- THIS SUNDAY, MARCH 20TH: 10:00 A.M. – PRAISE & WORSHIP with another continuing message by Pastor Doug in the series from I John … this week in chapter 4, “Living Victoriously in God’s Love!” Bring your Bibles!!
- 11:15 A.M. – KINGDOM CONNECTION/FELLOWSHIP TIME – sharing with your Elevation North family and reaching out to others! Let’s aspire to be more like Jesus in all of our relationships!
- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23RD: 7:00 – 8:00 P.M. – “LEARN THE BIBLE IN 24 HOURS” STUDY! You are encouraged to join Pastor Doug and Debbie in their home for some in-depth study and exciting discussion as we see God’s Word opened up to us in fresh, new ways! Bring your notebooks and Bibles!
- NEXT SUNDAY, MARCH 27TH: 10:00 A.M. – PRAISE & WORSHIP w/the final message of this series, “Demonstrating God’s Love to Each Other!” Come and learn exciting and practical ways to live like this!
- STILL TO COME: Spaghetti Feed/with a great movie and ice cream sundaes, your style … Easter Services, beginning with a Sunrise Celebration and Easter Egg Hunt … Mother/Daughter Tea w/a rose theme, gourmet refreshments, and an awesome concert … plans for Women of Faith in October … and much more – just for you!


- THERE IS NO NEED SO GREAT, THAT OUR GOD IS NOT GREATER YET! No matter what you’ve faced this week … God is the answer for it! He continues to love you and to bring His plans to pass, and in the end … all will be well! We encourage you to pray for healing for Sean, Shirley, & Wayne, and we thank God for answered prayer for Tina! Let’s continue to hold up Cherry and Johnny and all the family, and spend some time before the Lord on behalf of our brothers & sisters in Japan in their time of loss & grief – for God’s comfort and provision!

- REMEMBER . . . “You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept … shine … be generous with your lives.” (Matthew 5:14-16)

Serving Christ Joyfully . . .

Pastor Doug and Debbie