Friday, April 22, 2011

Elevation North has News for YOU!

HE’S ALIVE! HE LIVES!!! Translated, that means … “WE’RE ALIVE! WE LIVE!!!” (That is, if Christ lives in us!) Do you feel alive today? Or does it feel like you’ve descended into the tomb – and you just can’t get out? We’ve all been there. We’re human, after all. But the great news this Resurrection Season is … WE DON’T HAVE TO STAY THERE!!! Sometimes we wonder, though, “Just how do I get out of here … this place that I am in?” Well, let’s talk about that for a few minutes. Simply put, the answer is, “It’s our choice!” You might be thinking, “that sounds like crazy talk – do you think I’d want to remain in this “tomb” if I could get out?” No, of course not. And yet because of the power of our words and our thoughts, sometimes we lock ourselves into places that God wants to free us from. Please stay with me as we walk through this resurrection message together! Often when we are in a valley, we think we’ll never rise again. My husband and I talk with so many people throughout the course of each week and what we are discovering is nothing short of amazing. We greet people with a smile and a cheery “hello” and ask them, “how are you today?” And the highest percentage of responses we get – from believers as well as unbelievers – is a forlorn, “Oh, I’m SO tired!” Or, “I am SO sick!” Or, “Everything is going WRONG!” Or, “I just don’t know WHAT I am going to do!” Now before you totally shut me down and quit reading … hang on! This ends on a high and hope-filled note! The two of us DO want to hear how everyone is honestly doing, because that gives us an opportunity to pray for and with them for victory! But do you suppose, do you think, could it possibly be that things are at least partially like they are – because of how we look at and speak to our circumstances? You see, our messes, our failures, and our hurts are actually windows of opportunity to allow God to be God in our lives! But let’s hear ourselves. How do we sound in the midst of our trials? Do we sound beaten? Do we admit defeat? Or are we speaking resurrection life into those very struggles? “Our choice” of words and thoughts will make all the difference as to remaining in the tomb “dead”, or walking out alive! Yes, we are either one or the other! And just because we are breathing in air – does not mean we’re truly living! Like I said, when we are in a valley, we think we won’t rise again. But – we’re mistaken! Oh, so mistaken! Let’s go back to that first Easter morning. Jesus’ body is lying still and cold and lifeless in that tomb in the Garden of Gethsemane. For three days, there’s been no breath in Him, no sign of life. It would seem that Satan had won. He’d killed the only hope there would ever be for our redemption and hope of heaven. That might seem to most of us, the time to give in and give up. But you see, while Jesus was in the tomb, God was doing something. His plan to save us and provide a way for us to become His sons and daughters was in the final phase. Calvary and His Son’s death on the cross was the sacrificial, critical phase that could not be altered. It had to be. But God was stirring things down through eternity while His Son was lifeless in the tomb. With each passing day … day one, day two … God was getting more excited! Things were taking shape – in spite of the disciples’ grief and bewilderment. And on that third day as planned, God at the appointed moment spoke to His Son in that tomb and said, “It’s time! Now!” And at those words, Jesus sat up! Risen! Alive! Forevermore! A blinding light seared Jesus’ DNA into the linen cloths that had covered Him … now folded neatly and laid in the tomb as a final reminder. All of earth pivoted on its axis with a hope it had never known before, and Jesus walked out of the tomb alive! What I am trying to say is that when we are “sleeping”, God is opening things in our lives that have been locked up. We need to speak to our circumstances, “It’s time! Now!” We need to speak to our thoughts, “It’s time! Now!” No more doubting. No more fear. God, help us realize and understand that when we choose to rise … Kingdom things happen! God walks us right out of our tomb and we find ourselves more alive than we’ve ever been! If only you will hear the voice of Father God speaking to you today, “It’s time! Now! Get up! It’s time to rise again!” What will YOUR choice be today? This is the season of Resurrection … don’t miss it in your life! You CAN live the life you’ve always longed for as God’s son or daughter, starting today!


- PALM SUNDAY WAS AN EXCITING TIME for the people in Jesus’ time as they lined the streets and waved palm branches, crying, “Hosanna! Hosanna!” And how excited we were this past Sunday to celebrate this time in the Easter Season as together we lifted our voices in praise, “Hosanna! Hosanna!” He was just as present and just as real to us as He was that Palm Sunday so long ago!
- A SPECIAL WELCOME to Todd and Grace and Nina who worshipped with us this past Sunday, and welcome back to Mike and Mary Jo and family who joined us again in worship! What a blessing all of you were to us, and our prayer is that you were ministered to by the Spirit of God in our midst! We hope to see you again soon!


- THIS EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 24TH, 10:00 A.M. – A RESURRECTION CELEBRATION OF PRAISE & WORSHIP as we gather to proclaim that “HE IS RISEN!” We will look into the scriptures to discover more about “The Third Miracle of Easter!” And we will lift our voices in praise as we sing old and new songs that are dear to our heart and remind us of the resurrection power of our Lord and Savior! Plan to be with us for this special service!
- A BLESSED EASTER from your Pastor and wife … may you and your family experience God’s best all day long!
- 11:15 A.M. – EASTER CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST and fellowship time for all, along with the EASTER EGG HUNT for the children of Elevation North! We encourage everyone to be a part!
- THIS SATURDAY, APRIL 30TH: 2:00 P.M. – MOTHER/DAUGHTER TEA at Clinton Falls Town Hall in a beautiful setting of roses, inspirational music by “Heirborne”, incredibly delicious gourmet refreshments by Hazel, and lots more, including delightful take home favors and prizes! Please be sure to turn in the count of your invited guests to Debbie today for final planning! Invite, invite, invite!!! Every gal you know will be blessed by time uplifting time!
- COMING SOON … NEW PLANNING SESSION for future ministry events! Watch for details!


- OFTEN OUR NEEDS SEEM SO GREAT – but we want you to know that you don’t have to stay “in that tomb”! God’s resurrection power can roll the stone away, and you can walk out! This week we are asking everyone to remember Sean as he awaits his brain surgery on the 18th of May – for peace, for supernatural skill for the physicians, and for God’s miracle touch! Let’s also remember his family as they go through this with him, that God will carry them, as well! Others to lift up in prayer: Shirley will be having knee replacement surgery on the 25th of April; Julia and her brother; Cherry and Johnny and family; Eva and family; Justin and the Bucholz family as he heads overseas on another military tour of duty; Hazel with all of her preparations for the Tea this weekend; the provision of a new job for James; and the Seykoras and the Lundstroms as they minister around our nation and around the world! Our God LOVES answering our prayers!!!

- REMEMBER . . . “In each of our personal crosses can be found the DNA for resurrection victories!” ~ Debbie Jones

Serving Christ Joyfully . . .

Pastor Doug and Debbie Jones