Friday, March 22, 2013


SOME THINGS ARE JUST HARD TO PUT INTO WORDS!  I’m sitting here tonight excited about our upcoming Good Friday evening Passover Meal that we will experience together at the church.  It will be a “first” for Elevation North, though on a smaller scale as we begin this incredible ministry event that we will plan to do each year just before Resurrection Sunday.  It is truly unforgettable, and especially when we add the production of various scenes leading up to and through the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ!  I will always remember as a young, new pastor’s wife, how my part in all of this came to be.  We were at our church in Michigan and some of the men of the church were portraying an Easter drama titled, “Is it I?”  One of the ladies of the church who was in her early seventies would make the lamb and put together the Passover foods for everyone to sample.  After several years of doing this, one year she came to me and said that it was getting too difficult for her to stand on her feet for as long as it took to prepare the lamb.  She informed me that it was time for me to learn how, and she would teach me.  As long as I have a great teacher, I can learn anything … so I agreed!  I could have never known at that point what a cherished honor this would become.  For the next twenty plus years I would marinate the lamb for hours with a special seasoning to roast in the middle of the night in preparation for the 2-3 nightly productions that a group of our church people would participate in.  It was a lot of work with little sleep, but such joyous work for the Lord, because we soon learned how very powerful this presentation was as God’s Spirit would fall upon those who were involved in portraying the biblical characters … as well as those who came to partake of the lamb and unleavened bread … and watch.  Each year we would add something more to the “Living Last Supper” - as it came to be known; another scene, a new song, more costumes sewn by one of our elderly women in the church.  Each year we would order more lamb to roast and make more unleavened bread.  The rehearsals drew the actors together in such close comradery, that on the final evening when we started taking props down, we did so, exhausted, but sad that it was over until the next year.  We would sit around and reminisce about experiences – both old and new, and it didn’t take long to sink in that putting together this huge production each year that re-enacted those scenes leading to the betrayal, the crucifixion, and ultimately, the resurrection - made a difference in so many people’s lives!  We sensed that any sacrifice being made by any of us was so worth it – not just for the present time, but for eternity!  Looking back, I can hear little children’s voices crying, “They’re hurting Jesus!”  I can still remember the emotions that people felt as they saw Jesus hanging on that cross, and the ensuing tears that streamed down their faces as they listened to the words of that powerful song, “Watch the Lamb” or “At the Foot of the Cross”.  I will never forget the one year that in between two nightly productions, I was at home folding laundry in the bedroom and suddenly I began crying as I caught a glimpse of how very meaningful and powerful this “Living Last Supper” was when it was bathed in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself!  Experiencing this changed all of us, and we always marveled that what might have been a rough-around-the-edges rehearsal, when turned into the actual production, God’s Spirit just pulled it all together in a wondrous portrayal that He definitely used for HIS glory!  We cannot wait for you to experience this year’s Living Last Supper on the Friday evening just before Easter; you will be reminded that He did it ALL for you!  And He would do it all over again if need be!  That’s how much He loves you, dear ones!  We’ll see you around the table!  
A SPECIAL WELCOME to Bill and to Jazzi, who both worshipped with us this past Sunday for the very first time!  God bless!
 SUN, MAR 24TH:                                                       
10:00 A.M. – PALM SUNDAY PRAISE & WORSHIP                                   
10:30 A.M. – KIDZONE CHURCH   
NO BIBLE STUDIES THIS WEEK ON 27TH/28TH                            
Both study groups will resume the following week!      
GOOD FRIDAY, MAR 29TH:                                                     
7:00 P.M. – CELEBRATION OF THE PASSOVER                           
Come & join us for lamb, unleavened bread, & more,                                   
plus a truly meaningful service of remembrance!                            
Don't miss out on this fun time for all the kids!
SUNDAY, MAR 31ST:                                                       
with fellowship to follow / no KidZone this week  
Resurrection Sunday Celebration promises to be a complete service of joyous praise!  Begin praying now who you can bring with you to experience the victory of the empty Tomb!  Most people will look for a church to attend on Easter ... and if they have nowhere to go, we would love for them to join us for this special time in God's House!  There will be a power-packed message of HOPE ... LIFE ... AND PURPOSE from the Word of God; songs of celebration and joy; passion in our worship and warm fellowship with a body of believers who is truly a family in Christ!  Let's bless others with the love of Jesus on Resurrection Sunday!                          
REMEMBER . . . “May we never forget what Jesus did for us!  He says to us, ‘I will not forget you.  See, I have inscribed you on the palm of my hands.’” ~ Isaiah 49:15-16 
Serving Christ Joyfully . . .
Pastor Doug and Debbie