Wednesday, October 24, 2012


CELEBRATE JESUS!  And that’s exactly what thousands of women did this past weekend at the Women of Faith conference in St. Paul … we celebrated the Lord God of the universe as we worshipped Him and lifted up His Name, exalting Him and praising Him!  What a powerful time together in the unmistakable presence of the Lord Jesus Christ … fifteen of us, plus six friends whose group joins with ours each year.  We are growing!  And we pray and anticipate what will take place as God meets with us!  It’s like Ken Davis, Christian comedian, said at the start of the first evening - when he gets up in the morning, he asks himself, “I wonder what God is going to do today?!”  Hopefully that’s how you feel about your days, too – that you can hardly wait to see what God will do!  Ken emphasized that we need to believe that God is the author of joy … and then said that some of us need to send some missionaries to our face!!!  Whatever it is we are believing for, we need to believe with ALL our heart!  Perfection is not a requirement … we just need to be engaged in living life fully alive!  Ken challenged us to not wait until tomorrow to live fully – but to do it today!  Soon we were lost in the beautiful sounds of Cece Winan’s voice as her songs led us straight to the throne of God in pure worship.  “For Your glory, we’re taking territory … waging war … for Your glory!”  I love how she stated that “when you recognize who Jesus is, you cannot help but worship Him!  And when you get a glimpse of Him, He takes all of your attention!”  May our attention always rest on Jesus and not be interrupted by distractions that seek to diminish our worship.  Soon we were challenged by Sheila Walsh’s words spoken powerfully in her Scottish accent … “One Word, one Hope, one Song, one Name:  Jesus!”  She reached out to the many women in the arena who were feeling broken beyond repair, and she told them, “That is why Jesus came!  He’s seen our movie and still He loves us!  We are broken, but redeemed!”  Then Sheila reminded us that this is not our home – she reiterated, “We’re not home, girls!  In Heaven, we’ll live fully as we were intended to!”  It’s true that the enemy wants to take us out, but if you read the account in Luke chapter 4, you will see how Christ combatted the enemy with the Word!  Connection draws us closer to God.  Condemnation drives us farther away.  As God’s children, we will rise above the rubble – and her beautiful singing of “I Will Rise” resonated in each of our hearts all throughout that huge convention center as she closed her session with us.  The message that Liz Curtis Higgs brought to us was so timely, as she talked from I John 3:1 how God’s love fits all, covers all, hides us … it is truly the only “one-size-fits-all”.  We compare ourselves with others, but we should not.  We are God’s beloved and He loves us … as beautiful to Him.  It’s time for us to start seeing ourselves as God sees us!  Psalm 149:4 tells us that we are beautiful with God’s salvation ~ crowned!  We are His … loved and chosen!  God’s treasured possessions – that is how we are described in Deuteronomy 7:6 … His people, treasured by Him!  Liz helped us grasp this a bit clearer by telling us that just like we all think our babies and grandbabies are the CUTEST and the BEST … God sees US the very same way!  Did you know that your picture is in God’s photo brag book?!  Do we really get it?  We are HIS … so let’s live for Him!  Let’s celebrate Jesus, the One who delights in us!  And … more to come next week!  


BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS to Sam who celebrates this week; may your life be blessed and uplifted in the days ahead!

A SPECIAL WELCOME to Meryk who came to worship with us this past Sunday for the first time; God bless you!

SUN, OCT 28:  10:00 A.M. – PRAISE & WORSHIP with the final message of “Living Beyond the Shadow of Victory!”

SUN, OCT 28:  10:30 A.M. – KIDZONE CHILDREN’S CHURCH with Verla; invite a friend and learn together!

WED, OCT 31:    7:00 P.M. – BIBLE STUDY in the book of James / at 905 El Dorado St SE in Owatonna

THU, NOV 01:    7:00 P.M. – BIBLE STUDY in the book of James / at 165 24th Place NW in Owatonna

SUN, NOV 04:  10:00 A.M. – PRAISE & WORSHIP with message on “God’s Perfect Timing!” / with Communion

SUN, NOV 04:  10:30 A.M. – KIDZONE CHILDREN’S CHURCH with Verla; don’t miss this exciting experience!

PRAYER OPPORTUNITIES . . . Harold’s dad, Lynn, Johnny, Jimmy, Spencer, Kay, Lundstroms, Seykoras, God’s hand of blessing as we move to our new church location this week, for wisdom in voting, for revival in us and passion for God!

REMEMBER … “May the Lord continually bless you with heaven’s blessings as well as with human joys.”  Psalm 128:5  
Serving Christ Joyfully . . .
Pastor Doug and Debbie