RENEWAL WITHIN REST … just what the “Doctor” ordered! And that’s exactly what we are experiencing this week! The human body is an amazing, wondrous creation … but even at its best it still has its limits! And when its “energizer batteries” begin to run out – it’s time for a full recharge! So having put plans in place to take a trip to see our son and family in Michigan, we excitedly counted down the days until we would see Dana and Stacey and Whitney and Dylan! Just how can there be such a seemingly endless barrage of things demanding your attention when you go away?! The list only seems to grow! You remind yourself … one thing at a time … and doing that, you finally find yourself actually – in the car – on the road – breathing easy – and excited to be on the way!!! What all will the week hold? We haven’t a clue … oh yes, we do have just a few fun clues, that’s right! But we pray as we begin the journey that we will bless our family each day we are together! Our entire ministry, we’ve always realized that our first priority after God – was our family! We knew that if we saved/rescued everyone else and lost our own children, that definitely would not be a very great testimony to our calling from God. And so here we are … with our kids and grandkids … to soak in as much family time, renewal, and rest as we possibly can! Fast forward to the weekend – and we’ve filled the days and the nights to the max with a blend of a lot of fun – and a little work! The seasonal colors were splashed still generously for us to enjoy … and the weather was hand-picked by our Father in heaven. And just as the leaves were beginning to fall, so have the childish ways of our now teen and young adult grandchildren fallen by the wayside. That was so evident as we spent time with them in their school settings at the high school and at the cosmetology college. Where have those little chubby-faced tykes gone? We drove to the away football game and sat in the visitor’s section on the bleachers, snapping pictures like crazy as Dylan shot across the field in his uniform and cleats, first positioning himself to do the kick-off and then tackling every opposing player that another linebacker missed. Then, sitting in Whitney’s salon chair, I found myself amazed, though not surprised, at her adeptness in every facet of cutting, coloring, styling, products, etc. From the little girl who used to love doing all kinds of creative things with her own hair, now here I sat in her chair, perfectly comfortable with the outcome all in her hands! And by the way, she did a great job! And Dana and Stacey blessed us over and over throughout our stay, even as God has blessed them! Most of all, their smiles and laughter and assurance of continued prayers touched our hearts and lifted our spirits! And here … we had come desiring to minister to them! I couldn’t help but remember the long list of God’s faithfulness in their lives down through the years: a fire in the apartment that destroyed most all their things in their first year of marriage, a fire in their car soon after, at five weeks old Dylan’s life hung in the balance with pneumonia and respiratory syndrome virus, a kidney condition in Whitney in her teen years, Dana surviving the bombing in the military towers during his overseas tour of duty in Saudi Arabia – but none of us knowing for nearly eight hours if he was dead or alive, Stacey walking through ovarian cancer with her mom and seeing her survive, and recently, Dana nearly severing his thumb and three fingers on his right hand in a power saw accident. But thanks be to God, our family has been so tremendously blessed with miracle after miracle! Dylan not only survived; he’s now a strapping young man over six foot tall … oozing with health and strength! Whitney’s kidney condition has cleared and she maximizes her living every waking moment with a zest for life that’s hard to beat! Dana and Stacey’s material losses have been restored a hundred-fold and more, and they find great joy in blessing others with what Gpectod has blessed them with! Stacey’s mom has received a new lease on life and cancer is no longer a part of her life! Dana not only survived the enemy’s horrific bombing, but has found God’s place for him that allows him to effect change in the lives of so many others. And, Dana’s thumb and fingers were miraculously reattached and they healed wonderfully, though not without extreme pain in the process. Why do I share all these personal things with you? Only to encourage you to take a close look at your family through the years – and see what God has done! Not always can we match the level of trauma that someone else has gone through, or perhaps yours is even greater … but it comes down to one thing. Our God is an awesome God! And in the midst of our ongoing transitions, God is bringing sweet renewal within the rest we are finding in Him. Outside of that place, it is easy to lose sight of our goal: to run the race and finish well! In that place, we find all we need from Him – with the bonus of a loving family of three sons and their families who each lift us up before the Throne and stand strong with us on this earthly journey! He will do the same for you, dear ones!
- THIS PAST SUNDAY reminded us that no matter where we worship, God is right in the midst of us! What a powerful time of being in the presence of the living God – and learning more about the prophecies that have been fulfilled – and those we see coming to pass right in front of our eyes!
- BELATED BIRTHDAY WISHES go out to Chuck who celebrated on October 12th … may your entire year be blessed in awesome ways, Chuck, as you continue to serve the Lord and others around you! We appreciate you!
- THIS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16TH: 10:00 A.M. – WORSHIP & PRAISE, with the conclusion of the sermon series on “Looking at Signs of the End Times.” Be sure to bring your Bibles and be an active participant in this exciting topic in God’s Word! Come ready to worship with joy – let’s bring honor to our Lord God!
- IT’S HERE!!! THIS FRIDAY/SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21/22 … WOMEN OF FAITH CONFERENCE at the Xcel Energy Center with two days of worship/praise/incredible speakers/musical artists/resources to help you in your walk with God/and much more! We have a great group attending from our church and community this year! If you are still trying to decide about this “Over The Top” experience, see Debbie for last minute details! Tickets are still available! See print-outs!
- MEN’S STEAK-FRY on this Friday evening at 6:00 P.M. – Come expecting a time of fantastic food and fellowship! This is your time, guys – it’s all about YOU! Feel free to invite guests, as well! There will be a short meeting with Pastor Doug following worship this Sunday for final details! If you miss the meeting, be sure to call Pastor!
- NEXT SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23RD: 10:00 A.M. – WORSHIP & PRAISE, with the beginning of a new series of messages that will stir your heart and motivate you to spiritual action! Start now to invite your friends!
- WATCH FOR A NEW CALENDAR OF EVENTS to come in the life of our church!
- WHAT A JOY and privilege it is to mention the names of others before the Throne of God! This week, let it be our privilege to pray for all the women attending the Women of Faith Conference, for our faithful ministry supporters, for Jimmy as he recovers from surgery, Gerard as he awaits upcoming cancer surgery, for Pam’s dad for an upcoming kidney transplant, for Cherry and Johnny, Elsie, Kay, for Larry and Gloria, and for Josh and Sarah and sons. We have a prayer-answering, miracle-working God!!!
- REMEMBER . . . “God walks with us … He scoops us up in His arms or simply sits with us in silent strength until we cannot avoid the awesome recognition that yes, even now, He is there.” ~ Gloria Gaither
Serving Christ Joyfully . . .
Pastor Doug and Debbie