Thursday, December 17, 2009

DON’T BE AFRAID! ANGEL’S ANNOUNCEMENT! JOYFUL EVENT! A SAVIOR IS BORN! NEWS FOR EVERYONE! EVERY WHERE! ANGELIC CHOIR SINGING PRAISES! GLORY TO GOD! PEACE TO ALL WHO PLEASE HIM! SHEPHERDS RUNNING! FINDING THE PLACE! AND MARY AND JOSEPH! SEEING THE BABY IN A MANGER! BELIEVING THE NEWS! Well, there it is ~ the Christmas Story in scriptural phrases. Most of us have heard the Christmas Story all of our life. Many of us read the entire Christmas Story from Luke 2 every year as we gather as a family before giving Jesus His birthday gifts and before opening our own presents. But for these few moments, I’d love to share a different twist that has come to me this season after pondering the incredible message of the One who came to change our lives forever! Of course, the best gift we can give to Jesus is “us” ~ fully, totally, unreservedly. And if we had to choose only one gift from the Giver, (in addition to the eternal life He came to bring us) we would probably choose “peace”. That’s when that phrase jumped out at me … PEACE TO ALL WHO PLEASE HIM! What was that? Not to everyone? Just to those who please Him? That’s doesn’t seem fair, you say. But after all, how can we have real peace if we are not doing what pleases Him?! So then, our deepest desire in our quest for peace should be to live our lives in a way that brings pleasure to our Lord – and out of that will flow that indescribable peace that only He can pour into us. When our lives are rocked to the core and we feel totally shaken, God’s peace will come over us like warm oil, like healing balm, like supernatural calm! When we seek to live in God’s perfect will, we can walk in confidence that all will be well ~ no matter what. Being in that place brings a peace that our mind cannot wrap itself around … a peace that is beyond our grasp and our full comprehension. It’s just something we receive. Something we know. We experience it. We live in it and we’d die for it, if need be. We love the statement made by the man who carried the cross to every nation, every island, every people group … over a span of 38 years. He said, “I’d rather die in the will of God than live outside of it.” (Arthur Blessitt) Why would he say such a thing? Well, because he knew that there would never be a peace in his life that would come remotely close to what he would experience being obedient and faithful to God’s call. So he left his life as he knew it, and embarked on a journey that would ultimately put him in danger’s way time and again as he carried that huge, rough cross to nation after nation, sharing the message of God’s love. And every time he faced death, God supernaturally rescued him and gave him the peace to keep walking. And perhaps only God knows how many lives were changed for eternity in those 38 years, as Arthur carried that cross – one step at a time. That’s the power of the cross that comes out of the announcement of a Savior being born for all! Jesus came. To us. For us. He came so that we could be a part of His kingdom work here on earth. Matthew 5 tells us why we’re here: “You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in this world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand – shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.” (verses 14-16, The Message Bible) So … there you have it! Our Christmas mission … to live in the peace that Christ came to bring … and to share that kind of living through His power with everyone we can! Shine, people, shine!!!

- IN OUR HUMBLE CHRISTMAS SETTING, God’s presence descended upon us just as the Star shone o’er the stable in Bethlehem so long ago! Though our meeting place is small, the sense that God is with us – is huge! When invited and sought after, there is no place that God’s Spirit will not come to! And each week He is so faithful to show up and stay with us! Worship is an incredible privilege and delight and honor as we lift up our Lord and Savior each Sunday morning in His House!
- A SPECIAL WELCOME to Rhonda and Erika as they worshipped with us for the first time! How we loved having you join us, and we pray that you sensed God’s love and a warm welcome from all of us!
- OUR AFTERNOON OF CAROLING last Sunday was such a blessing to all of us who braved the cold air to go from place to place and share the beautiful Christmas songs with those who need some love and cheer. We pray that they were blessed, as well! We had a really great time and then loved coming back to Pastor’s and Debbie’s home for hot chocolate and truffles and cookies! Thanks to everyone for bringing the goodies!
- JESUS’ BIRTHDAY GIFT! Our heartfelt thanks to each of you who shared from your heart for the family with some urgent needs that we chose to help! We were able to add $75 to the amount being collected from Kohl’s and Lowe’s for their water heater, washer, and flooring. We know you touched the heart of Jesus, as well!
- BIRTHDAYS, birthdays!!! We send out special birthday wishes to Joel and to Belle, and to our son, Dustin, on December 21st! We love you and thank God for you, Dustin! What a joy that we get to celebrate with you and your family this year during your visit!

- 10:00 A.M. – WORSHIP & PRAISE – focusing on our theme of “Christmas Touch: Seeking A Fresh Touch From God” as Pastor Doug shares his heart with the congregation. Come prepared to open your hearts to God, offering to Him your best as you worship and praise Him in singing, in drinking in the Word, in showing love to your brothers and sisters in Christ, in welcoming our new visitors each week, in learning how to love Him more and serve Him better! What great opportunities as we come together!
- 11:15 A.M. – ALL CHURCH CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON – plan to stay for this celebration of Jesus’ birthday as you enjoy some great food and wonderful fellowship with your family in Christ! Plan to bring a meat dish and another favorite of yours to share. The table service will be provided.
- DECEMBER 24TH: CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT COMMUNION SERVICE AT 6 P.M. (note time change!) A special service is being planned ~ something a bit different and unique ~ so don’t miss this wondrous time as we celebrate our Lord’s birth!

- In today’s world, there are SO many things to be in prayer about, that we should aspire to earn the same nick-name that James in the New Testament acquired: “camel-knees” (from spending so much time on his knees!). Just think what God could do through us if we all ended up with camel-knees! This week, let’s especially remember James as he recovers from surgery, God’s healing touch on Merv, and on Julia and her brother, some very URGENT unspoken needs, provision for Josh and the team for their Asian mission trip, for the Bucholz family transitioning in MI, strength for Larry and Gloria as they travel and share Christ, and for our nation’s return to God and godly living! Let’s stand on the promises of God!

- THIS WEEK . . . Remember, “God takes life’s pieces and gives us UNBROKEN PEACE!” ~ Gough

Serving Christ Joyfully . . .

Pastor Doug and Debbie