ANYTHING … I love it that God can use ANYTHING! I get so excited when I see God at work! And I cannot hold back the smiles when I see what God has used to accomplish His purposes!! You know how it is when you pray and pray - and pray some more about something or someone. Often we think we know just how our prayer is going to be answered, and then God answers in a way we never even imagined! It’s just so like God to be unpredictable. We cannot come close to figuring out what He’s going to do next, much less how He’s going to do it! And that’s one of the things that I so love about my God! I love it that we cannot put His plans, His ways, or His wonders into a box. We cannot pretend to know His plans, to understand His ways, or wrap our minds around His wonders. He’s just too indescribable, uncontainable, and incomparable – like the song says! He writes the script and He chooses the actors, the backdrops, and the props. Whatever He desires to use is at His command. There’s no better screenwriter; He’s the best! The Hollywood Awards … He’d win them all: creative director, screenplay, songwriter, and on and on. Let’s see if I can give you an example of the unique ways He does what He does. We’ve recently become acquainted with a young man – having met him just a few times. It was easy to see what great potential he has, but it seems he had chosen to live a life without God, even believing that God didn’t exist. His mom’s longing was that someday he would come to know Christ and say “yes” to Him. But all of the incredible and powerful Easter services came and went, and her son was not sitting in church. Wanting her youngest son to “see” all that Jesus did for us, she asked if she could borrow “The Passion of the Christ” DVD. The Easter weekend came and went, and her youngest son hadn’t watched it yet. So planning to get it back to us right away, she laid it on the counter. But … she forgot to take it with her when she left the house. For her, that was the end of the story. He’d have to watch it another time. Now watch what happens when God begins to unfold His script. There lays the movie, “The Passion of the Christ”. Enter into the script – the oldest son who says he is an atheist. No one is at home but him. Not having been there, but hearing “the rest of the story”, the script plays out like this. Something, or better yet, Someone, draws this young man to the DVD setting on the counter. That same Someone captures his curiosity and soon he is actually watching it – and he continues to watch it play through the torturous suffering of Jesus on the cross … until the very triumphant end when He arises from the grave. Something is happening in his mind and heart and soul. Something is stirring within his inner being. Enter … mom. He states that he has just watched the best movie ever. She says, “Oh, what one was that?” To which he replies, “The Passion of the Christ” – and mom, I believe now! I can’t believe what Jesus did, and I don’t understand why God had to turn away, but I believe.” Then he made his entire family sit down and watch it all the way through. His mom, as you can imagine, was ecstatic, just as I was when she shared the story with me! A DVD. But just not ANY DVD. It held the portrayal of the power of the cross and Jesus’ love – a love like no other! It showed the promise of everlasting life when Christ arose! That’s all it took: the talents of Hollywood and the anointing of God Himself, joined together to bring new life to a young man who needed rescuing from Satan’s pull. I love it that God wasn’t limited to using a church or a preacher or even a mom … though He could have used any of them! He chose to use a DVD and show His glory and His story. And … a young man saw. And believed! Thank You, Jesus!!! I cannot stop smiling!
SPECIAL BIRTHDAY WISHES to Caia who celebrates on April 15th and to Hazel on April 17th! God bless you both!!
SUN, APR 15: 10:00 A.M. – WORSHIP & PRAISE, with an exciting message on “To Fear – or Not to Fear!”
SUN, APR 15: 11:15 A.M. – KINGDOM CONNECTION Classes - and Puppet Ministry with the Graff family!
SUN, APR 22: 10:00 A.M. – WORSHIP & PRAISE, with a challenging message on “The Seven Sorrows”.
SUN, APR 22: CHURCH LUNCHEON and “COURAGEOUS” MOVIE following worship; sign up now! And invite some friends!
SAT, MAY 05: 2:00 P.M., - MOTHER/DAUGHTER COUNTRY GARDEN GETAWAY with guest, Larissa Lundstrom!
PRAYER OPPORTUNITIES . . . Julia, Tina, Cherry & Johnny, Lafawn’s cousin, Justin, Wayne & Verla, and unspoken
REMEMBER . . . “The heavenly Father waits to bless you – in inconceivable ways to make your life what you never dreamed it could be.” ~ Anne Ortlund
Serving Christ Joyfully,
Pastor Doug and Debbie