Thursday, April 4, 2013


DO YOU WEAR A SIGN AROUND YOUR NECK?  If you did, what would it say?  Mary Kay Ash once said, “When you look at others, pretend there is a sign hanging around their neck that says, ’Make me feel important!’” Though those words are probably never spoken aloud, they are the unverbalized cry of our hearts as human beings.  Who do you know that doesn’t love it when someone makes them feel important?  It’s really not at all about feeling like the brand of “high-and-mighty-important” that some people exude … but rather the “I-want-to-know-that-I-am-valued” brand of feeling important.  God created us with a built-in longing to be valued and loved and affirmed!  One of the greatest ways we can allow God to use us as His children is to accept people right where they are at, coming alongside them with a genuine love that reaches out to embrace them.  Loving them right where they are at – but loving them beyond that point to their full potential in Christ!  It’s the unconditional love that will cut through the built up hurts and closed off hearts from years of put-downs and being judged and scorned.  It’s the actions behind our words that will speak the most profoundly in how we relate to people.  But it’s the words they hear first … whether words of affirmation, or words that belittle and brand them in negative ways.  It’s our words that will feel to them like an open invitation to experience something more, something totally life-changing.  Or our words can knock-down, knock-out any tiny intentions they may have had to seek out this “God-life” a bit further.  You see what power God places in our mouths?  Our words are pretty much the tell-tale sign, the dead give-away of what is inside of us.  We tend to spew out judgmental, hurtful, destructive verdicts rather than speaking Christ-like words of passion that will build others up and gift them with acceptance and the belief that there is something that God has placed within them just waiting to burst forth and be nurtured and trained.  Our God is the Redeemer, we are the recruiters to get them to the place where God can speak to them, change them, deliver them, and empower them to live a victorious, new life!  A brand new start … a new beginning!  Old things begin to fall away and a new creation begins to peek through and be revealed for the world to see.  The transformation is amazing, simply amazing!  And the best part of it is – is that our words can be the turning point in someone else’s life.  When they have no self-worth, we get to come alongside and show them our belief in them.  When they hold back because they think they are not good enough, here we come and let them know that they definitely are.  Not in themselves, of course, but through Christ.  Just like us … we are not good enough, either, except through the saving, transforming power of Jesus Christ!  We have a common bond!  That’s where they begin to see that we are real – not lording our goodness or righteousness over them – but relating to them that we still remember that we are just “sinners saved by grace”.  Together, we can embark on a joint venture of this new place in Christ, growing together into the exciting destiny that God has planned for us!  Relationships with other people is an opportunity to not just share the Jesus we know – but to respond to them in a way that will open the door so they will even listen to our words about Him – for starters.  They see US first, you know.  And often they judge our God by what they see in us, leading them to either accept Him or reject Him.  Start looking for the invisible signs around the necks of the people who cross your path, and ask God how you can make a difference in their lives, loving them as Jesus does!  Let’s take THE CHALLENGE
A SPECIAL WELCOME to Mark & Doris, and to Patti … who worshipped with us for the first time this past Sunday!  God bless!
SUN, APR 07TH:                                                        
10:00 A.M. – PRAISE & WORSHIP/COMMUNION                                  
10:30 A.M. – KIDZONE CHURCH                                              
WED/THU, APR 10TH/11TH:                                           
7:00 P.M. – MID-WEEK BIBLE STUDIES                                    
Check the church calendar for locations!                                      
SAT, APR 13TH:                                                         
9:00 A.M. – MEN’S FELLOWSHIP and                                        
LADIES PRAISE & PRAYER with the                                          
BARNABAS TEAM MEETING to follow                                       
SUN, APR 14TH:                                                       
10:00 A.M. – PRAISE & WORSHIP                                              
10:30 A.M. – KIDZONE CHURCH     
Multi-opportunities to serve the Lord . . .    
Sunday School & Nursery - additional staff to help
Youth Ministry & Events - assist with activities
Three Bible Studies - invite others to learn with you
Men's & Women's Ministries - offer to help and invite
Sunday Morning Coffee/Fellowship - bring treats to share
Prayer Chain - participate and pray for special requests
Special Functions - help us reach out to our community
Church Fellowship Meals - get to know your church family
Barnabas Team - be in prayer for our church leaders
Evangelism Outreach - help us reach the lost for Christ
Missionaries - faithful prayer and financial support                                       
REMEMBER . . . “May you always have something to do, someone to love, and something to hope for!” ~ unknown
“God can do anything, you know … far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!  ~ Ephesians 3:20  
Serving Christ Joyfully . . . 
Pastor Doug and Debbie