Thursday, April 8, 2010

Elevation North has News for YOU!

GREAT EXPECTATIONS! We all have them. Well, for many Americans and others around the world, maybe our expectations have changed a bit now from what they were a few years ago. Maybe now, our great expectations are enough money to pay the bills and put food on the table. Enough hours on the job to meet the budget. Or perhaps, even a job to begin with. What we had hoped to accomplish in the next five years … well, we feel like we’re still at the starting gate. The signal gun goes off and though we put our best efforts forward, the end of the track seems forever indomitable. We keep putting one foot in front of the other, but how come the black-checkered flag never seems to appear? Am I hitting a nerve that most everyone is feeling right now? And whatever happened to those original great expectations that we had? Another question: “WHAT ARE WE HUNGRY FOR?” Maybe in survival mode people give up on what seems extraordinary. Maybe they board the train of “just getting by because nothing seems to ever work out – nothing different or bigger or greater seems to be happening”. They’re on board the train, but didn’t notice when they got on that there was no destination posted. It just goes and goes and goes, on a never-ending circular track. There’s never a place to stop or a place to get off. We soon settle for any kind of dry crumbs because we’ve basically almost forgotten what a warm, moist, freshly-baked chocolate chip scone tastes like. It’s no longer a part of our thought process. But why isn’t it? In this post-Easter week, I’m once again awed at the glorious signs of spring’s arrival. As I’ve gazed at the popping green grass and emerging perennials, I make myself sit down for a few moments and glory in the sights that have long been dormant through the cold, grey months we call “winter”. And I begin to wonder if our spiritual expectations are no longer great, either. Have they, too, changed? When we first asked Jesus to come into our hearts, there was a newness ~ a freshness, that we could not explain. But we definitely could not deny it. It was the driving force of our very lives, of each new day. It carried us above the mundane, the mediocre. Far above. It birthed our great expectations, and then ignited our child-like faith to believe for more than just the ordinary. That included everything we needed for our daily living: our home, our food and clothing, our jobs, our transportation – all of our basic necessities. And then we dared to step out in faith and ask for more. We dared to ask that God would bless us, and bless us indeed. We dared to ask that God would enlarge our territories and boundaries. We dared to ask that God would put His hand on us. We even dared to ask that God would keep us from evil so that we would not cause harm or pain. (I Chronicles 4:9-10) At times in our lives, as God’s children, we get it right – at least most of the time. At least, the times that we are keeping our eyes on Jesus. Then 9/11 happens. The economic downturn happens. Earthquakes and hurricanes and tsunamis happen. Well, maybe not in our neighborhood. But eventually all of these traumatic events affect us either directly or indirectly. And we forget what God wanted us TO BE HUNGRY FOR. In the aftermath of these debilitating forces, we often curl up in the fetal position and wring our hands in despair – forgetting that God wants us to excel during these times, even in extraordinary ways. These are the days that we should have greater expectations than ever before! These are the days when God wants to show the world through us WHO He really is and WHAT He is about. We cannot do that curled up in the fetal position. We need to be stretched out on that race track, extended to the fullest strides through the power of the Lord Jesus Christ … physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and yes, financially. God WANTS to bless His people, so that we can glorify Him and be a bigger part of His Kingdom work on this earth. But that takes “right thinking” … “God-thinking” … “break-the-barrier” thinking … and “thinking outside the box”! It takes “taking God at His Word” thinking. Then, we’ll be able to reach more people than ever before with the amazing message of Christ, impacting lives for eternity. After all, isn’t THAT what we are TO BE HUNGRY FOR? Souls! Let’s not only be hungry for the fulfilled, abundant life that God wants to give us … but for souls to fill Heaven up with!!! You see, God can take our greatest expectations and turn them into realities! So … let’s be EXPECTING “above and beyond” … and see what God will do through us!


- WHAT A GREAT RESURRECTION SUNDAY we shared together as we were blessed with the sweetness of the presence of the Lord! From the empty cross to the Easter flowers, from the vibrant singing to the inspiring message about the power of the risen Christ, from the excitement of the little ones going on their Easter Egg Hunt to the relaxed fellowship of the adults over the delicious refreshments – it was a blessed morning enjoyed by all! Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped in so many ways!
- SPECIAL BIRTHDAY WISHES to Jimmy, who celebrated his birthday on April 5th! May God bless you with your best year ever, is our prayer!


- 10:00 A.M. – WORSHIP & PRAISE – This promises to be a memorable Sunday as Pastor Doug shares “The Seven-Fold Commitment to Promises Worth Keeping” – recapping the 50-Day Spiritual Adventure and spurring us on to godly life-changes that will be lasting! Don’t miss out on this challenge to step up your walk with the Lord, taking it to the next level with His help!
- 6:00-7:30 P.M. – YOUTH: RE: FUEL session at the home of Pastor D and Debbie! An awesome evening of devotions, fun, food … and so much more, is being planned! Think about who you can call or text and invite to come along with you!
- REPORT! Over 25 Easter meals were provided for the homeless that come to the Union Gospel Mission looking for help. Thank you for your part in touching the lives of 25 people, filling them with a warm meal and a gift of hope through the message of God’s love that they heard that day!
- MAY 1st, Saturday, at 2:30 P.M. – MOTHER/DAUGHTER TEA centered around a “Butterfly Transformation” theme, with decorations and gourmet refreshments by Hazel, and an uplifting message by your pastor’s wife, Debbie. This will be a great opportunity for fun and fellowship with moms/sisters/daughters/grammas/and friends, so pick up some invitations and begin to encourage someone or several to attend with you! (No cost!)


- OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!!! We continue to hear of answered prayers and we continue to trust God in faith for answers to come ~ for YOU, for us, for others, and for our church family! Let’s be on our knees for our nation and for its leaders, that we might return to a dependency on God Almighty! Let’s keep each other’s names on our lips - for healing, for jobs, for financial provision, for peace in the midst of trials! Let’s seek God for His perfect will concerning a place with more space for our Elevation North church family! He can do it!

- THIS WEEK . . . Remember God’s promise to us: “I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you on the palm of my hands.” Isaiah 49:15-16

Serving Christ Joyfully . . .

Pastor Doug and Debbie