Saturday, December 1, 2018


YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL!   That sounds like the words to a love song, doesn’t it?  Well, it is ~ really!  It was written by Billy Preston and Bruce Fisher in the early 1970’s.  Everyone thought it was a love song … and it was, but it was written to the Lord Jesus Christ!  Tell me, who is more deserving of those accolades than our Lord?  He IS so beautiful, and we need to tell Him that … all the time!  If you have not heard that song recently, look it up on YouTube and listen to it; you will find yourself worshiping and singing along as your love song to Jesus!!  My favorite version is the one sung by Phil Driscoll, and then at the end he picks up his trumpet and plays sounds that are so amazing and heavenly, you feel as if you can close your eyes and think you are already there!

And now at this time of year as we celebrate the birth of Christ, how can we not break out in song with praise and adoration:  YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL, LORD JESUS … YOU CAME TO US … TO US!!!  This should be our theme song every day of the year, not just during this beautiful season.  Awakened in the middle of the night, these are the words that God gave to me.

Born in a stable, wrapped in swaddling cloths, placed in a manger …
You came to us – to be with us.
Wrapped in swaddling cloths, You were Divinity clothed in humanity,
coming to us – in our earthly journey.
Newborn Child of God, made flesh for your Father’s assignments,
to carry out His plan to be poured out as redemption for Your people.
In Your tiny form nestled snugly in the manger’s straw,
was the essence and purpose of Salvation for all mankind.
Within Your newborn flesh, seeds of Greatness were sown,
for You would become King of Heaven and of earth.
Your small, beating heart contained all the hope and healing
we would ever need down through the ages of time.
But it would take the piercing of that very heart on Calvary
to release the fullness of Your Father’s plan.
Your Coronation came with a Crown of Thorns, and a Cross on which to hang,
Your blood spilled out for us … Your ultimate sacrifice.
Once again Your body wrapped – this time in linens, and laid in a Tomb.
born to die … You died to live … You came to give Life for us all.
The Cross could not keep You – neither could the Tomb,
all that was within You came bursting forth in fragrant Life and Love.
Giver of gifts ~ You came as a Gift … The Greatest Gift ever given,
our part is simply to repent, to receive You, to live in You while You live in us,
so we can be one with You!
Your purpose for us, our very destiny, was wrapped up with You in those swaddling cloths,
just waiting for the time of our birth!  Oh, what a plan, Father God!  What a plan!
What an amazing plan You had then ~ and have for us now!
The greatest gift we can offer back to You is to open our hearts to Your Son,
wrapped in obedience and submission to Your desire and Your will!
You are so beautiful … thank You for coming to us, Lord Jesus!

The announcement of the angels still rings true for mankind today:
“I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.  Today in the town of David
a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord.”  ~ Luke 2:10-11  

Joyfully Serving Christ . . .

Pastor Doug and Debbie