AND WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND TODAY?! Not that it’s any of our business, of course! It’s just that after being on “Facebook” and seeing what everyone is doing, their comments let me know what is on their mind! Just by reading their short updates, I can tell if they are happy, or busy, or sick … I can find out if they are doing things at home, or if they are planning to go somewhere and take in some event. I can even tell what mood they are in by the things they reveal through their choice of words! Talk about being connected! (Can you tell I’m a newbie on Facebook?!) What an amazing format ~ where we can stay in touch – or get in touch with those we care about! Just getting started on this “journey of connection”, I can see how someone could spend hours and hours, not only checking on what is happening with others, but making your own comments, and even searching for others that you would like to re-connect with. As I was contemplating the far-reaching relational opportunities this site provides, I was pretty much overwhelmed! And thinking about this update, God dropped a thought into my heart that isn’t going away. So, I’ll pass it on! I’m thinking that the Holy Spirit must have invented “Heartbook” from the beginning of time, but somehow it has never caught on to the extent that Facebook has. And that’s sad. Because the potential it has to keep us connected to God is far greater than Facebook’s friend-connection capability will ever be! While getting on the computer and opening up a site and reading about what’s on our family’s or friend’s minds – and letting them know what’s going on with us – is really easy … “Heartbook” is even easier!! All we need to do is open our heart and move our lips. All we need to do is realize that God already knows what’s on our minds, but He wants to, and loves to hear it from us. The connection speed is instantaneous: faster than the blazing speeds of broadband. There’s no waiting for Him to open the site and see what we’ve said. He’s listening the very moment our lips form the words. More amazing, is that He already knows what we are going to say – yet He still wants us to say it. He longs for that connectivity with us. He longs for us to take that time with Him. He longs for us to know that He cares about what’s on our minds and in our hearts and He wants to make it better. Just like when we write a comment to someone and can’t wait to see what they write back; we need to get into that same excitement with our communication with God! We need to be so connected that when we talk with Him, we can hardly wait to see what He will say back to us! Just like we need to be in the right place when we click on our account so we can see who has taken time to post a message to us – so we need to be focused on listening to what God wants to reply back to us! Though it’s fun to share our news with others, it’s even more fun to see what they have to tell us! I have a feeling that’s how God wants it to be with us and Him! While we most often tell Him all about us and our needs, and SHOULD be telling Him how awesome He is and we love Him for Who He is … it’s even more important that we remain within close listening distance so that we can hear what’s on His mind and get to know what’s in His heart that He wants to share with us. One-sided conversations don’t last long. One-sided talks leave us feeling jilted and empty. One-sided dialogue makes us feel as if we really don’t matter to the other person. Relationships are cultivated and nurtured only when time is spent in communication with each other; where there is talking and there is listening! It’s in those times that we truly grow close to another. It’s in those times that we truly draw close to our God! My challenge to myself and to others … is that we spend more time on “Heartbook” than on Facebook, for it holds far greater pleasure that will last into Eternity! But … an added challenge is: let Facebook be a tool to use for encouragement and lifting others up! Then post that activity on “Heartbook” and see what God has to say! I love Jesus’ “post” to the disciples as His crucifixion was drawing near, and after He had shared so much with them that day. This is what He said to them then, and I believe these words are “posted” for us to read today, as well: “I’ve told you all this so that trusting Me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world!” (John 16:33)
- WHAT AN INCREDIBLE TIME we had in worship this past Sunday; God’s presence was truly in our midst, and we know that He was at work doing what He does best: ministering to us by His Holy Spirit, and taking over in our lives when we’ve done all we can do! The all-church luncheon that followed provided some great food and a joyous time of fellowship with each other! Thanks to everyone at Elevation North for honoring us for Pastor’s Appreciation Month, and a special thanks to Laura for making the cake that was presented to us on Sunday!
- WELCOME BACK to Daryl … it was great having you with us again! God bless you!
- DON’T FORGET TO TURN YOUR CLOCKS BACK one hour as Daylight Savings Time ends early this Sunday morning! (November 1st)
- 10:00 a.m. – WORSHIP & PRAISE & COMMUNION - come expecting to offer your BEST praise and thanksgiving to God; and know that whatever it is that you are in need of in your life, God will NOT disappoint you! His ways are above our ways! Pastor D will be preaching on “A Personal Call To Holiness” from Haggai, chapter 2.
- 11:15 a.m. – SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES – for all ages, with lessons that will help you to know more about the God we love and serve, and leave us wanting more of Him! Be sure to stay and participate!
- THIS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD – JR/SR HI YOUTH: RE: FUEL – Invite your friends for an interesting time of devotions/study, lots of fun, helping get the Evangelism packets ready, and of course, always … snacks! If your friends do not know Jesus, we’ll be happy to introduce them to Him!
- Miracles and answers to prayer are not just available; we are experiencing them each week in our church family! That is so exciting, but we want to make sure we are more grateful for the Giver, than for the gifts He gives us! Let’s join in continuing to pray for the ongoing needs of many individuals/families in our midst as they have shared these over the past few weeks: divine healing for Mary and for Julia and her brother; the sale of the Bucholz’ house; the ministry of Ron in the country of Turkey; for relationships to be healed; and a new praise – for the blessing of Josh and Sarah expecting another baby; may God’s hand be upon Sarah and the baby! As always, we are a needy people, and how awesome it is that we can lay all these needs at the feet of Jesus, trusting Him for what He will do! Praise the Lord!
- THIS WEEK . . . Remember, “When you draw close to God, God will draw close to you.” (James 4:8) So remember to keep connected to God on “Heartbook” every day, many times a day!
Serving Christ Joyfully . . .
Pastor Doug and Debbie