Saturday, August 29, 2015


WHAT IS THE CHURCH SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE?  No, I am not talking about the exterior architectural design or the stately steeple pointing heavenward.  It’s not about how beautiful the stained glass windows of yesteryear were or still are; it’s not even about the color scheme or the cushiony, padded chairs.  On the flip side, it is not about how contemporary and non-churchy looking the building is to draw people in.  Neither is it about what the preacher looks like or how great or awful he is at delivering the message.  Nor is it about how professional the worship team is or how off-key they are when it comes to leading the people in those old hymns or newly written worship songs – you take your pick, because most people surely have a strong opinion, right?  I am not even talking about how fashionable the dress code seems to be of those attending – or how casual and flippant the choice of attire is.  Sorry, I am not trying to be sarcastic; I am just attempting to paint a picture of how we as the church are supposed to look!   And what I’ve just penned has nothing at all to do with how God wants us to look!

Here’s another statement to consider:  what DOES the church look like today?  Sad to say in many cases and places, the church looks like a group of people out-of-touch with the real world.  Many so-called Christians walk around looking like they have arrived … and they wonder what anyone less than their status is doing in their church.  They are horrified that the less-than-perfect newcomers will ruin their attempt to achieve perfection:  to be right … to look right.  But do they act right?  You see, how we ACT is a pretty accurate indicator of WHY we look like we do.  Our actions label us as “something” – whether we like it or not.  But the great thing about that is – we get to choose what we look like, with God’s help!

THIS is probably a more accurate description of a church that the Lord Jesus Christ would feel welcome and comfortable in.  Since the people are the church according to the Word of God, what God looks for is in the hearts of the people.  I see most of our world as filled with broken people.  The church is no exception.  And it is not just the sinners on the outside or inside who are broken; it is also all of us who call ourselves by Christ’s Name.  But, He takes one look at our brokenness, and He reaches out His nail-scarred hands and says, “Here, let me put all those pieces back together for you.  I want YOU to be whole again!”  He loves to see a church who looks as if they have been broken but who do not want to stay that way and allow God to do a spiritual surgical repair on them!  You get a church full of people who have allowed God to carve on them, removing the sins that so easily beset us – and you will see a church full of people who can love people right where they are at, because they themselves have been there.  You get a church full of people who were broken but who are desperate enough to cry out to God to be put back together again – and you will see a church who is powerful and strong, yet gentle and compassionate because they remember what the brokenness was like.  You get a church full of people who have been stubborn and judgmental and negative and they allow God to melt them into something redeemed and new – you will see a transformed church of radical, set-on-fire, positive people who can love others unconditionally.  You get a church full of people who are selfish and only care about their own needs being met and then God gets a grip on them and helps them die to themselves – you will see a church full of servants who cannot wait to give of themselves:  their time, their talents and gifts, their money, their worship, their BEST!  Are you getting the picture of the church that God longs to see?  When all the “old is passed away and we become new creatures in Christ” – not only will we look like Him, but we will see each other in a new way!  And the world will see us, the Church, as a powerful force to be reckoned with:  blood-bought warriors armed with prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit within us!  CHURCH, THIS is what God wants us to look like! 

So, with God’s help … what do YOU want our church to look like?  And does that desire match up with God’s plan and longing for Elevation North, according to His Word?  We challenge each of you to seek God and ask Him what He wants YOU to look like … for YOU are His church.  YOU label God’s church in this community.  How?  By your words, your actions, your everyday living, your availability, your dependability, your passion to share the God that you desire to reflect!  Dear God, please help us get it right!  We want You to LOVE coming to our church as we lift You up and exalt You and give You first place in our hearts and lives!  Then and only then, can we truly say, “World … look out!  We are not perfect, but we resemble the Jesus we love – and here we come to share Him with you!”

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”
~ II Corinthians 5:17   

Serving Christ Joyfully . . .  

Pastor Doug and Debbie