Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Elevation North has News for YOU!

PRECIOUS BABY! Long, long ago, was born to Mary and Joseph that precious Baby in a manger. Divinity wrapped in human flesh – wrapped in swaddling cloths. The few who searched for that Baby beneath the guiding star knew there was something special about this Child … but that night in Bethlehem – who knew what was tucked in the DNA of this tiny Infant? Mary and Joseph knew, perhaps not totally understanding. But … they knew! Who else could have known when they pulled back the corners of the blanket to peek at that sweet little face – that they were looking at the Savior of the world? The Healer of the sick? The Calmer of storms? The Deliverer of captives? The Giver of gifts? Who knew?

This day, a few thousand years later, our family is also thinking of the arrival of a precious baby! He or she will be our grandchild #8 … and according to the ‘guiding star’ should arrive in the next two and a half weeks in the hospital in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. I’ve penned so many of my thoughts on paper throughout the years, and while it is a bit different for each grandchild – similar words were formed in my heart for each of them as we anticipated their arrival into our family. So, precious baby, these are your Gramma Deb’s words to you!

PRECIOUS BABY! How excited we are for your arrival … for the moment of your birth … for that very first breath! In that very first cry … you’ll be telling us, “I am here!” And our lives will never be the same. You’ll fill that unique place in our family that only you can fill! But, sweet little one, so much has gone into the planning of your coming! You see, before the beginning of time, God saw you and had your very life in His mind and on His heart. He already knew that on a special day in March, 2010 … you would be formed and fashioned by His very own hand … and over the next nine months, He would breathe growth and personality and gifts into your tiny life! From that moment forward, His mark was on your soul. You were His creation, and someday, all you will have to do is say “yes” to Him ~ and you’ll get to live forever and ever! That’s where this gramma comes in! Precious baby, I’ve been praying for you since your daddy and mommy told me you were coming to our family! Today, I don’t know whether God has formed you to be a little boy or a little girl … but what I do know is that His plan is perfect ~ and we can hardly wait to meet you! You … who will be born as a baby … will be mighty for God … filled with God’s anointing and covered with His blood! You … who will be human flesh … will be wrapped in God’s Spirit and power. And those of us who have prayed for you for these nine months – will know there is something special about you! At every stage of your life, you will bring joy and wonder to those you know and to those you don’t know. God will lay out His incredible plans for your purpose in coming to our family – and to this earth. But, like Jesus, you will love your family and your home. You will love the outdoors and the beauty of His creation. You will love laughter and the sounds of music! Every gift God has already tucked into your DNA is just waiting for the right moment to burst forth and bless those around you! Dear little one, on the most important day of your life, you will come to know Jesus as your own, and your greatest joy will be pursuing Him with all your heart! You’ll love the mention of His Name – and you’ll love being right in the middle of where God is at! You will be a gift to your world, indeed! But for this point in time, enjoy being nestled safe and warm in your mommy’s womb, and listen to this first of many stories I will read you. This was the Psalmist David writing in chapter 139, and like it has become my story, God also wrote it for you before you were born: “Oh yes, You shaped me first inside, then out; You formed me in my mother’s womb. I thank You, High God – You’re breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration – what a creation! You know me inside and out, You know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, You watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day.” And that’s just the beginning of the story of your life, precious baby! Soon, we will call you by name … but for today and always, we and God call you “beloved”!

And precious church family, may you focus on the face of Jesus this Christmas season, no longer a Babe in the manger … but a King ~ our soon and coming King!


- HOW WE LOVED CELEBRATING the first Sunday of Advent last week … especially getting our hearts in tune with “Seasoning the Season” as Pastor Doug challenged us to “season our greetings!” God stirred some things anew in our hearts, and we are excited about how we can minister to each other and those beyond our walls this Christmas season!
- WHAT A JOY it was as a church family to share $150 with the Union Gospel Mission this Thanksgiving ~ we were able to provide 75+ meals for the homeless and hungry – and they heard a gospel message of Christ’s love, as well! Thank you to everyone who gave from their heart to bless those less fortunate!


- THIS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5TH: 10:00 A.M. – WORSHIP & PRAISE – This second Sunday of Advent, Pastor Doug will be sharing the second message in the Christmas series, “Seasoning the Season … Bring out the Flavor of Christ in your Christmas Traditions!” This week, he will preach about “Season your Giving ~ Give with the Generosity of Christ” from II Corinthians 9:6-15. It’s a message you won’t want to miss!
- 11:15 A.M. – SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES – that will encourage you and deepen your faith as we dig into the Bible together and share from our own experiences, as well! Everyone is invited to stay after worship!
- 5:30 P.M. – CHRISTMAS CAROLING CHURCH PARTY with snacks and a movie, “The Christmas Shoes” ~ plan to come and enjoy the evening with friends!
- NOTE: Our Wednesday evening Bible Studies will resume again in the New Year following all of our Christmas services and celebrations. Keep reading the Word, and allow God to speak to you daily through its contents!
- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31ST: NEW YEAR’S EVE GATHERING w/games, a movie, and … breakfast!
- CHECK OUT OUR SIGN-UP SHEETS - for all these special times of fellowship!


- WHO ELSE HEARS & LISTENS & ANSWERS like our God does?! What confidence we can have knowing that our God DOES just that! So many are in need of our prayers this week: Tina, Hazel, Shirley, Audry, Henry, Julia & her brother, Karrie, Aletta, Josh & Sarah’s Nepal outreach finances, and several unspoken requests. But our God specializes in doing the supernatural – so be fervent in prayer for these brothers and sisters in Christ –and believe!

- REMEMBER . . . “Gifts from the heart will imprint meaningful and lasting impressions on the recipient!”

Serving Christ Joyfully . . .

Pastor Doug and Debbie