THERE’S STILL MORE! Well, in God’s economy, that is! And how do I ever forget that? Shame on me! I know, I could blame it on changing circumstances – that makes me forget. But I will shoulder the blame, because I know it’s when I gaze too long on those looming challenges galloping towards me, I take my eyes off Jesus for a few moments too long. I should have only glanced at the circumstances and fully GAZED on Jesus! So, after a few more hours than I wanted to battle the initial fear and confusion, I finally get my sights set straight, and I begin to see clearly again. Everything will be alright. All I have to do is open the pages of the letters God has written to me to remind me of that! Turning to Luke chapter 9, I find an incredible story of how God works – and it’s not always how we think He’s going to work! Many of us know the story of how Jesus fed the five thousand with only five loaves of bread and two fish … but do we really know it? I think there’s something tucked in there that we have passed over. Jesus had taken the disciples and gone to an out-of-the-way place called Bethsaida ~ probably for some quiet, reflective time in a peaceful place. But, word got out … and here came the throngs of people. Rather than getting upset, Jesus welcomed them and enthusiastically talked with them about the Kingdom of God and then he even healed those who were sick and needed His touch. The hours passed by without anyone even noticing the time. Suddenly, the disciples became concerned that the people would need time to get to nearby villages for food and places to stay for the night, as there was nothing available in the remote area they were at. When they suggested to Jesus that He dismiss them, do you know what Jesus did? He told them, “YOU give them something to eat.” (Emphasis, mine.) I can just see them saying, “Who? Us? With what?” What they DID tell Jesus was that all they had was only five loaves and two fish, and their only other option was to hurry and go someplace close and buy enough food for that large crowd, which would have cost much more than any of them probably had. Or, more than likely, all of them together! See, they were thinking THEY had to be the answer. THEY had to find and/or fund the solution. They forgot to look to Jesus and ask what HE could do! Then Jesus took control of the need and gave a directive: have the people sit down in groups of fifty people. The disciples got right on that and soon the people were seated. Could any of them have known that a miracle was in store for them? And what were the disciples thinking about now? Probably something like, “Alright, Jesus, the ball is in Your court now; what are You going to do for all these hungry people?” At least they got their focus back on Jesus and what HE could do. They all sat back and watched as Jesus now did what He does best: He took what was there, looked up to His Father in heaven, thanked Him, and then took action. The action was breaking the bread and fish and passing some to each of the disciples to feed the people with. The scripture doesn’t say that Jesus passed the food to the people. He gave it to the disciples to pass out. Next, the scripture says that the people “all ate and were satisfied” and that there were twelve baskets full of food left over after everyone had eaten. But what happened between when Jesus gave the baskets to the disciples and when they were feeding the thousands of people? All of us know that those twelve baskets would soon be empty, and then what? What level of faith did the disciples have when they saw that first basket about to go empty with just one piece left for the next person? What would they have to offer the person after that? But then, the basket was refilled again, and again. Or perhaps they never saw it go empty or get to that last piece. Each time, THERE WAS STILL MORE! However the miracle happened, I am sure the faith of those disciples increased dramatically as they saw first-hand what Jesus did to feed the people who came to listen to Him. Wow, Lord! I do get it! Your miracles are just as dramatic today as they were then! You gave us one a few days ago through the unexpected gifts from our church family ~ and again today from our own family! You proved once again to us – that there is still more. You will never fail us … You never have … and You never will! Keep our hearts attuned to the fact that we should never rely on what WE can do, but always on what YOU can do – and want to do! We want to be modern-day disciples that carry baskets of hope and salvation, and yes, even food … to the needy world around us. Baskets that never run empty!! Baskets that WILL STILL HAVE MORE!!! Always!
- THERE ARE NO WORDS ADEQUATE ENOUGH with which to express our loving appreciation and thanks to our church family for the “surprise early Pastor’s Appreciation” that was given to us on Sunday! The cake was an incredible replica of our natural backyard area, complete with an archway, wind-chimes, real fresh flowers, birdhouses, birds and butterflies, even a ladybug, and green coconut grass! How original … and our special thanks to Hazel and Carianne for their creative decorating! And to our entire church family for the inspirational card and love gifts tucked inside … you blessed us more than we can say! The timing was perfect! Only God could have arranged it all that way; thank you for allowing Him to use you to bless us so profoundly! We love each of you!
- SPECIAL, LOVING BIRTHDAY WISHES to our granddaughter, Whitney, on her 19th birthday on September 17th! Have a blessed, unforgettable, joy-filled day with God’s best, and know that we love you so much!
- AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES go out to James on the 22nd of this month … may God bless you richly!
Come prepared for a life-changing message focusing on the sixth fingerprint of God: “Changing our Hearts”! Invite someone to come with you to church!
- MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20TH: 6:30-8:00 P.M. – RE: FUEL/YOUTH with Pastor D at the house!
Pastor Doug will be preaching on the seventh fingerprint of God: “Directing My Paths”. At noon, we will be sharing a great time of fellowship with a POTLUCK MEAL, with all the meat & beverages & table service provided – just bring a dish of food to share! Then … fun and games and surprises to follow! Bring some friends along for the day!
- WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th: 7:00-8:00 P.M. – BIBLE STUDY … “Learn the Bible in 24 hours” by Dr. Chuck Missler (a great overview of the Bible – in 24 sessions for us), being taught by Pastor Doug at their home. All adults are encouraged to attend, and notebooks will be provided for everyone!
- THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30TH: WOMEN OF FAITH SIGN-UP LIST w/commitment to a ticket and partial payment for the OCT 22-23 Conference, “Over the Top” at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul … and MEN AT HOME SIGN-UP LIST w/commitment to attending the Steak-Fry at Pastor D’s house on Friday, OCT 22nd.
- YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER IS AT WORK! This week as a church family, let’s ask God FOR STILL MORE of His blessings, His healing, His wisdom, His peace, His provision – for us, for our young people back at school, for our missionaries & evangelists, the leaders of our nation & around the world, & for a place for our church to call home!
- REMEMBER, “It’s only what you believe will happen and therefore do next that will release God’s power for you and bring about a life change.” ~ Bruce Wilkinson
Serving Christ Joyfully . . .
Pastor Doug and Debbie
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