DESPERATE. For what? Well, for one thing, I think that millions all over the world are desperate for some answers that make sense. Desperate, for what? Well, for another thing, I think that these same millions globally are searching for peace and contentment. Desperate, for what else? Well, for millions of others, there is always the issue of love – I mean real, genuine love. And just where are people supposed to find these kinds of things? From the media commentators? In the movies? From government sources? From friends and family? Or maybe, from a one-of-a-kind book? Hey, that’s exactly where to find answers that make sense … peace and contentment … genuine love … and so much more! Well, it’s really a one-of-a-kind Book – with a “capital B” – or the Bible, as we’ve come to know it. What it really is – is God’s very Word. It contains His heartbeat, His passion, His love, His message, His commands, His gifts, His miracles, His story. It’s His love letter to us. It’s our ticket to live forever … and ever … and ever! It provides an intimate connection with the God of the universe Who wants to spend time with us and hear us and answer us. He wants to lead us and guide us and show us His ways. He wants to help us make sense out of what will possibly never make sense on this earth. He tells us to trust … and He promises comfort. His words of love fill in every empty hole that’s ever pierced our hearts. His words bring to us hope when in despair we thought there was none left. Yeah, you say, all of that sounds good – but how do I find these things in a Book that I still have so much to learn from? Well, simply put, what do you know the most about? And why? Is it possibly because you’ve spent the most time in that arena of your life? Maybe you know everything there is to know (almost!) about your job. How much time do you put into learning what you need to know? Maybe you know everything (almost!) there is to know about your business. How much time do you put into acquiring knowledge about every aspect of owning your own company? Maybe you know everything (almost!) there is to know about your favorite hobby or interest. How much time have you put into making plans to pursue it or getting supplies and materials and tools for it? Alright, you say, I’m getting the picture! So then, simply put, we’ll find these answers we’re searching for, this peace and contentment, and this real love … if we spend more time in this Book, right? Yes, you’ve got it! The more time we spend in God’s Word, the more we’ll come to know and understand what He wants us to know. What He’s been trying to tell us all along – but we weren’t listening! Or we heard it briefly – but it just went in one ear and out of the other! Nothing stuck. In the daily battle my husband and I face with attempting to plan for balance in our lives (with all of our work hours), God has been impressing on my heart more and more an urgency of actually immersing ourselves in His Word and in His presence. What do you mean, immerse myself in the Word? Well, let’s figure it out literally. To immerse yourself in something means that you plunge into it and you absorb it. Think of yourself as a dry sponge. (We have to admit that we feel that way sometimes!) You plunge your dry self into the Word of God and you soak it up, absorbing what you’ve just thrust yourself into. The longer you’re immersed in the Word, the more you are saturated and filled with what’s in there. You emerge, no longer dry … but filled with some answers that you’ve never had before. You’re oozing with a greater measure of peace and contentment than you’ve felt in a long time. You feel like you’ve soaked up enough real love so that you actually have some you can spill out onto others. And the list can go on and on! Whatever it is you’ve been desperate for … can be found right inside the pages of God’s Word! It contains every promise we will ever need. We can count on it to be solid. We can stand on its principles. While God’s Word breaks down strongholds, loosens chains, and sets captives free … there is one addiction - that in the right sense of the word – would be advantageous to us. And that is the addictive longing and desperation … the deep hunger pangs and the parched thirst … for the Word of God! The passionate stirring within, where nothing, absolutely nothing – could or would – keep us from the Word of God and being in His presence! Is that easy to do? No, a million times, no! But instead of setting God aside and giving Him the leftovers of our time, let’s decide what “other things” to set aside, so that God gets first place in our lives. With that mindset and setting our hearts up for success when it comes to learning more of God, there’s no way we’ll come up short. We’ll experience so much more of our Lord than before and be surprised at “how much sticks”! We’ll have more to share with the world around us in these strategic days in the Kingdom of God! Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure everything out on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He’s the One who will keep you on track.” (The Message Bible)
- WHILE WE LOVE TO MEET WITH OUR GOD, we are so glad that He loves to meet with us, too! And that was so evident this past Sunday as we poured our hearts out to our Heavenly Father! Our Sunday School time was especially meaningful and precious!
- BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS & WISHES to Ernie who celebrates his birthday on November 13th, and to Laura who will be celebrating her birthday on November 17th! May both of you experience God’s special love and favor!
- THIS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH: 10:00 A.M. – WORSHIP & PRAISE, along with Pastor Doug’s message that will conclude the three part-series from the book of Jude. Small book in the Bible – but powerful and relevant for today! Come and worship & exalt our God, and continue on with our 10.10.10 spiritual challenge!
- 11:15 A.M. – SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES – These are sessions you don’t want to miss … God is meeting us here by His Spirit as we learn more from His Word and take time to share from our hearts and receive His touch!
- THIS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17TH: 7:00-8:00 P.M. – “LEARN THE BIBLE IN 24 HOURS” STUDY; come and meet with Pastor Doug & Debbie at their home for an exciting time in the Word! You’ll be glad you did!
- NEXT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21ST: 10 A.M. WORSHIP & PRAISE / 11:15 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL / 5:30 P.M. – THANKSGIVING FEAST & FELLOWSHIP w/COMMUNION (check out the sign-up sheet for bringing food!)
- WATCH FOR A COMPLETE LISTING next week of our Christmas Season services and events and outreach!!!
- EITHER WE BELIEVE GOD IS WHO HE SAYS HE IS … OR WE DON’T! Believing He is who He says He is, brings to us a level of increased faith for answers and healing and provision and all that we need! Looking around us at all the people we know and love, how we need God’s divine touch! This week, please lift up Tina, Justin, Rendy’s dad & family, Henry, Ernie & Audry, Justin, Roger, and Kay. Let’s hold up our students of all ages, our military and veterans, our spiritual leaders, & our leaders in government. May God ignite all of us at Elevation North – to PRAY!
- REMEMBER . . . “When we ask for God’s mighty presence like the early church did, we will also see tremendous results that can be explained only as coming from the hand of God.” ~ Bruce Wilkinson
Serving Christ Joyfully . . .
Pastor Doug and Debbie
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