Thursday, August 30, 2012


I LOVE LIFE!  Yes, I really DO … though I must confess there are those times that come … either sneaking up on me slowly or grabbing me by the throat without warning.  Suddenly propelled against my will into those rare (or not-so-rare) moments - I find myself saying, “Umm … I’m not at all thrilled about how I’m feeling about this thing right now!”  (OK, Lord, maybe it’s because OF my will!)  I’m so glad that God jerks me back to reality when I get myself into these unpleasant spots – and reminds me that if I will turn my eyes back on Him … the thing that upsets me so much will seem like a mere speck of dust in the light of what is eternally important!  Within moments, a flood of recollections is unleashed, and torrents of remembered blessings and joys and divine favor are played out for me.  And what I realize is that I am so very, very blessed – even on my worst days and in my worst moments.  Lord, forgive me when I get so wrapped up in things that allow Satan to toy with my emotions.  I take full responsibility, knowing that when I let down my guard – he jumps into that break in the hedge and magnifies my weakest and worst traits.  But, I have an Advocate to help me against those onslaughts from the roaring adversary – and reaching out for help, once again I am free!  I’ve defused the frustrations and I’ve used the God-given power that is mine to shut the enemy out of the situation.  I have among many marked verses in my Bible, this particular one underlined as well:  “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world.  On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.  We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”  (II Corinthians 10:4-5)  I find myself going to this verse time and time again to be reminded of how to “get it right” – thrusting down the thoughts that come from every angle but from God above, bringing them into submission to the power and will of the Lord Jesus Christ!  God, I don’t want to just be in the same book with You, or even just in the same chapter.  I want to be on the same page, same line and even the same word as You, so that my life will be in total alignment with Yours, as much as is humanly possible.  On that level, life is even more lovable … because we realize that circumstances and attacks cannot steal away our love for life or for living.  God has given each of us a specific number of days in His perfect plan for us.  And I will not allow anyone or anything to rain on my parade, (not even ME), so long as God gives me strength and wisdom to make the choice to rise above the battles each time they come!  So here we are, standing wistfully in the remaining days of summer, but peering excitedly into the autumn days about to be unveiled.  What will they hold?  Hopefully, an increased love for life and desire for personal and corporate revival!  We will be joining together more frequently as our fall ministry schedules soon begin – and we will have increased opportunities to learn together, worship together, fellowship together, and serve together!  Most of all, may we exhibit victorious lives that are proof of God’s amazing power within … so that others will want what we have as they see us LOVING LIFE to the max!!!
SPECIAL BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS to Liz who celebrates on September 6th; may God bless your entire year!
SUN, SEP O2:  10:00 A.M. – PRAISE & WORSHIP / “Are YOU a Laborer in God’s Harvest Fields?”  I Cor. 11,12,13
SUN, SEP 02:   11:15 A.M. – KINGDOM CONNECTION CLASSES for everyone – we invite you to participate!!!
SUN, SEP 09:  10:00 A.M. – PRAISE & WORSHIP/COMMUNION/”Addressing the Heart of the Church!”
SUN, SEP 09:  PLANNING & VISIONARY CHURCH MTG w/POTLUCK LUNCH to follow; bring favorite foods!

FALL MINISTRY SCHEDULES will be available in printed form for everyone for your involvement!
PRAYER OPPORTUNITIES . . . Johnnie & Cherry, Jimmy & Nancy, the Rogers family, Julia, Shirley, students in their new school year, provision for staff & finances for fall ministries at Elevation North, our youth and children, & unspoken needs  

 REMEMBER . . . “Where the soul is full of peace and joy, outward surroundings and circumstances are of comparatively little account.” ~ Hannah Whitall Smith 

Serving Christ Joyfully . . . 
 Pastor Doug and Debbie