Thursday, January 10, 2013


LISTEN … ON PURPOSE – TO FIND GOD’S PURPOSE!  It’s kind of interesting how sometimes we like to do all the talking, and seldom take time to really listen.  That happens in our everyday lives … at home with family, with friends in conversations, at jobs with co-workers.  We talk, but don’t always listen.  We hear words, but not intended meanings.  I think that’s because we hear with our ears … but it takes our hearts to truly listen.  Sadly, we often do that in our relationship with God, too.  We talk, talk, talk … even pray, pray, and pray some more.  Then we jump up and leap full-force into the next thing on our agenda.  God is saying, “Wait, wait!  I wanted to say something to you!”  But His voice is just a fading whisper in the flurry of our hurried scattering.  We asked for help – but didn’t wait to hear His solution.  We asked for wisdom – but didn’t wait to ponder on His Words that we just finished reading.  We asked for direction – but didn’t wait for His GPS to download the map.  (By the way, that’s “God’s Provision System”.)  We asked for purpose – but didn’t wait to hear what God had planned for us, for the day, for the moment, much less for our future.  We asked for strength – but didn’t wait around for God to pour it in.  We were off and running.  Running in circles criss-crossing this way and that way attempting to find the perfect answer.  Running without a clue, searching for the light-bulb to come on and somehow bring us some kind of discernment for our situation.  Running aimlessly, back and forth, getting lost and having to turn around to see if we can see the signs pointing us the right way.  Running scared because we feel like we don’t really know why we are here – what in the world does God have for me to do, anyhow?  Wishing we knew!  Running until we’re just about ready to drop from weakness and exhaustion, missing the connection of the funnel that God wanted to use to fill us up with His ever-lasting fuel.  Doesn’t that sound like us at times?  Perhaps we had our New Year all planned out – and we thought our plans sounded pretty great!  Then, life threw us an unexpected interception, and we saw those plans swirling down the drain at the end zone.  At first, the new agenda kind of smacks us in the face, and we have a choice to make how we’re going to respond.  Will we cling to our own strategies and demand our own way?  Or will we give them up to the greater purpose that God has planned and bend to His will and His ways?  Once we’ve conceded to His game plan, then we begin to see some exciting action and the evidence of teamwork.  Listening and putting into action what we’ve learned brings winning results – and glorifies our God!  And oh yes, I am talking more to me ~ than any of you who are reading this!  I must learn and live out what God puts on my heart, or it will hold no merit.  It will only be clanging, noisy words.  The Word talks about what comes out of listening … John 10:27 says, “My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me.”    When we listen … we will follow.  The book of James instructs us what mode to be in for listening:  verse 19 of chapter 1 tells us that we should all be “ … quick to listen …” and then goes on in verse 22 to say that we should “not merely listen to the Word and so deceive ourselves”, but “do what it says.”  Our part is to take action – to participate; in other words, “to do something”!  Coming full circle, listening – really listening, births obedient action, which in turn, creates purpose in our lives.  God’s purpose!  His plan is always the best way – we learn that over and over.  You’d think that one of these times, I would “get it” just a little bit quicker.  But, I am learning, on purpose … and I’m really excited about that!
THANK YOU to each one who so faithfully serves and gives to propel the ministry of Elevation North forward!  God bless you!
OUR DEEP GRATITUDE to each of our outside supporters who share so generously from their hearts to keep this ministry moving forward – as we reach out to those within our walls and beyond the walls of our church!  May God’s favor be upon you!
SUN, JAN 13:                          
10:00 A.M. – PRAISE & WORSHIP        
10:30 A.M. – KIDZONE CHURCH             

MON, JAN 14:                           
6:30-8:00 P.M. – RE: FUEL YOUTH          

WED, JAN 16:                          
905 El Dorado St. SE, Owatonna              

THU, JAN 17:                        
165 24th Place NW, Owatonna   
FRI, JAN 18:
w/Women of Faith info/plans, games,
snacks, and more!
SAT, JAN 19:
SUN, JAN 20:
following worship and potluck lunch
Calling ALL men and women!!!!
Plan to attend these exciting Bible Study sessions, with the next one on Saturday morning, January 19th, at 9:00 a.m. with Pastor Doug and Debbie at the church!  The men have already been meeting and digging into "God's Way for Men to Live Courageously"!  The women will be starting this powerful, life-changing study on "The Prayer that Changes Everything" - (The Hidden Power of Praising God).  You won't want to miss even one session, and we encourage you to invite your friends who would be blessed by this topic from God's Word.  Be sure to bring your Bibles!  Expect amazing changes to happen!
REMEMBER  . . . “That we are alive today is proof positive that God has something for us to do today.” ~ Anna R. B. Lindsay 
Serving Christ Joyfully . . .
Pastor Doug and Debbie